When at a stop, or slow roll, making 90* ish turns left or right and applying gas:
Car at stop:
foot on gas->0.2-5s in car shifts to second immediately
driver compensates by pushing pedal in more (as car's nose is now in traffic lane, yet car not moving as quickly as expected) -car shifts back to first, now almost 2s in.
Car moves on out and shifts into second in a time/load/rpm position that would normally be expected.
Same thing happens when at a roll, but bouncing between 2nd and third.
Drives me fvcking nuts. I'll drive with the ESP off and in S mode or manual command mode just to not encounter that. Its knee-jerk for me to want to accellerate out of my turns, so 99% of the time this doubleshift catches me.
I really wish I had landed a 6 speed manual car.