Best advice is to figure out what you want to do with your car, then go from there. Meaning if you plan on going with a bigger turbo later on down the road. And if you are like most on this site, the mod bug will come and bite the crap out of you once you get started. Take it from one whom only had plans for window tints, stereo upgrade, and wheels.
What I did was figure out what I want to do with my vehicle. I eventually want to big turbo kit (GT3082r or bigger on a 2.0 block). I thus chose a suitable company (Eurodyne/CTapp) to chip my stock ECU to keep me suffice till the time comes, as to upgrade to a BT file will cost me ~$250 from what I already paid (other companies only have files for turbo kits up to a GT2871r). As for my exhaust, I went with a Milltek as the diameter is 2.75" (plus the sound note is very soothing resonated) and anything smaller would be too restrictive for a big turbo application (that is one reason why many go 3" exhaust on thier stock turbo, as they do not want to do an exhaust all over again). Placed on a Labree High flow Cat Converter to complete my exhaust system and now I drive like this
A good route is to maybe look into Unitronics (they have many files from stock turbo to BAT). They are very good and if you eventually get the mod bug, then you can always just go right back to them for a cheap upgrade instead of dishing out $750+ as a new customer. Or you could just keep an eye open in the classified for someone parting thier flashed ECU and still keep the ECU you have as a spare.
When flashing the ECU, you will need to upgrade the diverter valve, as the stock one can not handle the extra pressure and will eventually rip. Forge is a very like dv by many on this site (I also run with the Forge 007) but there are many others. Or you could just get the 710n dv (cheap route, yet effecient). It would be recommended to get a boost gauge to monitor your engine and spark plugs will need to be changed.