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  1. #1
    Veteran Member Four Rings mtbrider's Avatar
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    Weird Problems cont.

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    Well my electrical gremlins have not yet been solved. I'll give some info to get everyone up to speed on the problem. A few weeks ago while driving everytime I would accelerate my wiper blades would stop moving, I could not use my turn signals and my heating fans would turn off, the system stayed lit but no fans. Within 2-3 seconds of returning to a "cruising" position on the accelerator everything would return to normal. I checked fuses and the ecu box for water and did not find anything suspect. On a recent scan of the car I have kept on getting a code for missing steering wheel electronics. After talking with my mechanic he mentioned a ignition switch behind the key that could be causing my problems. Has anyone dealt with a similar issue?
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  2. #2
    Account Terminated Two Rings
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    Re: Weird Problems cont.

    sounds like a short to me

  3. #3
    Veteran Member Three Rings ziggituning's Avatar
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    Re: Weird Problems cont.

    Do a load test on the battery, some have had running issues when the voltage was too low, also I have seen the ignition cylinder on some cars develop problems when the owners would have too many keys hangging off the the key ring and putting strain on the mechanism, so long term it would be loose and when you accel the movement would jerk the keys and cause a cut or short. Also check the main power connections at the battery and at the fuse box, there are a few large red power cables under the dash on the drivers side, maybe one is lose and cuts power. The wipers and fans are not on the same circuit, but they are on the acc ignition line, meaning they only work if the car is on so see if any of the power leads are loose. good luck.
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  4. #4
    Veteran Member Four Rings mtbrider's Avatar
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    Re: Weird Problems cont.

    thanks i'll have to check all of these
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  5. #5
    Senior Member Three Rings B00sted20VUSP's Avatar
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    Re: Weird Problems cont.

    Yes, ive see the ignition switch cause a similar issue, the contacts in the switch lose connection, car will not die but will cause wierd issues. For the record my brothers 01 A6 had a problem when he floored the accelerator the interior lights came on and the door open chime came on. Ended up being the comfort module under the drivers floor. Hope it helps. Good luck
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  6. #6
    Veteran Member Four Rings mtbrider's Avatar
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    Re: Weird Problems cont.

    Is there any way I can check to see if the ignition switch is bad, i was told to to wiggle the key while the problem is occuring and that will make the problem go away, if this is true i tried this and it did not work. Does anyone have a diagram/picture of the wires that could be suspect in this problem, of the electrical system I'd like to go thru and look to see if anything is loose and i'd like to know where it comes from and where it goes
    Some fast things and some slow things


  7. #7
    Established Member Two Rings smarrick's Avatar
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    Re: Weird Problems cont.

    Quote Originally Posted by moroblues4 View Post
    sounds like a short to me
    Ya I would go with there is a short somewhere that is bringing that circuit or circuits down. When you get on the throttle may cause the short to occur since motor and things shift postions a little.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member Three Rings 03 silverbullet's Avatar
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    Re: Weird Problems cont.

    Quote Originally Posted by mtbrider View Post
    Is there any way I can check to see if the ignition switch is bad, i was told to to wiggle the key while the problem is occuring and that will make the problem go away, if this is true i tried this and it did not work. Does anyone have a diagram/picture of the wires that could be suspect in this problem, of the electrical system I'd like to go thru and look to see if anything is loose and i'd like to know where it comes from and where it goes
    u cant wiggle the key the ignition tumbler is held in with a 4 mm bolt, there is a DIY write up on replacing the ignition switch.

    If u take off the bottom of the steering column u will b able to at least get at the black wire harness that plugs into the ignition switch

    here is the link

    i just replaced mine because i was having problems with the car starting the first try, i wasnt having any other problems that you have said you are having


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