Originally Posted by
A4SoftWalker I still havent heard a convincing argument against ricers and their so called problems...i patiently wait...i dont troll i still help the deserving unlike yourself....happy new year!!! haha
I don't need ur damned mental crazy ass help
Pretty sure no one else here wants it when it comes attached to ur horrible attitude problem. U must be on psychotropic drugs!!!
Are u friggin kidding me??? WHO ARE U? Why are u putting me in this? U really need to get some semblance of a L-Y-F-E!!!
Why are u digging dirt trying to find sand?
Someone mentions that all cars have problems jap cars (ricers) included and u take it as an affront.
U must really be insecure in so many ways.
U know u like the camraderie we have here on Audizine
I would friggin say I feel sorry for u but that would be a waste. Now GO TO ur LEXUS forum and continue being bored... u don't even own an Audi.