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  1. #1
    Veteran Member Three Rings
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    F*ck Potholes!!! Argh.

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    On Vacation this week, helping a buddy of mine that runs an IT department for a Biotech move from one office building to the newer, nicer one. Leave there at like 6:30 (off Rt 1 South of New Brunswick) and i'm ALREADY late for the Dark Star Orchestra show in Montclair at the Wellmont.

    anyway, so i take the little loop that the industrial park has to allow you to get on Rt1 north or south, and elect to go north (because going farther from the show was not part of the plan). As i cross UNDER rt1, and go to make the right....


    insta-flat (pass. front)

    i didnt even have to get out to look, i saw the pothole at the last minute, about 6" deep, big enough to put both feet into comfortably. I KNEW the instant it happened i was facing a flat.

    Luckily i keep coveralls (the nifty paperish ones) and work gloves in the car at all times because i'm dressed very nicely at the moment. I get into them, put the donut on, the donunt is only at 25psi so i gotta run to a gas station and air it up.

    anyway i made it to the concert, thank god someone opened for DSO, because i didnt miss the set (which was June 10, 1976 for anyone interested).

    So, destroyed is one Nokian Hakkapelitta RSi in 225/45/17, with only ~2k miles on it, which really sucks because now i either have to buy 2 new tires, or have unevenly worn tires, which i'm really not enthusiastic about. At $180 apiece it just sucks.

    Happy New Year!

    of course, it snows today... great. So i'll put 2 of my older all seasons on the back, move the 2 rear snows to the front... i just wanna put on the UL's and RE01's again, the car is so nice with those. Allthough, i must say, i didnt like having 3 sets of wheels for this car all with tires, but now i'm seeing the benefit. So out into the snow i go to swap tires. (for the sticklers, all tires mentioned are the same size, but at varying states of wear... shouldnt be outside of the % for quattro right??)
    B6 Avant 1.8TQM - 2871RS beater. I am not a smart man.

  2. #2
    Veteran Member Four Rings CruzS4's Avatar
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    Re: F*ck Potholes!!! Argh.

    your spare is a donut? i thought we all had fullsize spares... at any rate north jersey roads SUCK in the winter, good thing you didn't miss the show
    '17 Ibis White B9 A4 quattro P+ S-Line

  3. #3
    Veteran Member Three Rings
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    Re: F*ck Potholes!!! Argh.

    yeah i've got a donut spare, with a weirdly profiled steel wheel that is specially designed to clear our huge brake calipers.

    we think et45 looks like its sucked in... the donut sits 3" inboard of the fender!
    B6 Avant 1.8TQM - 2871RS beater. I am not a smart man.

  4. #4
    Veteran Member Four Rings s2the4's Avatar
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    Re: F*ck Potholes!!! Argh.

    You Should have bought the protection plan on the tire! I hate POTHOLES!

    Quote Originally Posted by jutny View Post
    On Vacation this week, helping a buddy of mine that runs an IT department for a Biotech move from one office building to the newer, nicer one. Leave there at like 6:30 (off Rt 1 South of New Brunswick) and i'm ALREADY late for the Dark Star Orchestra show in Montclair at the Wellmont.

    anyway, so i take the little loop that the industrial park has to allow you to get on Rt1 north or south, and elect to go north (because going farther from the show was not part of the plan). As i cross UNDER rt1, and go to make the right....


    insta-flat (pass. front)

    i didnt even have to get out to look, i saw the pothole at the last minute, about 6" deep, big enough to put both feet into comfortably. I KNEW the instant it happened i was facing a flat.

    Luckily i keep coveralls (the nifty paperish ones) and work gloves in the car at all times because i'm dressed very nicely at the moment. I get into them, put the donut on, the donunt is only at 25psi so i gotta run to a gas station and air it up.

    anyway i made it to the concert, thank god someone opened for DSO, because i didnt miss the set (which was June 10, 1976 for anyone interested).

    So, destroyed is one Nokian Hakkapelitta RSi in 225/45/17, with only ~2k miles on it, which really sucks because now i either have to buy 2 new tires, or have unevenly worn tires, which i'm really not enthusiastic about. At $180 apiece it just sucks.

    Happy New Year!

    of course, it snows today... great. So i'll put 2 of my older all seasons on the back, move the 2 rear snows to the front... i just wanna put on the UL's and RE01's again, the car is so nice with those. Allthough, i must say, i didnt like having 3 sets of wheels for this car all with tires, but now i'm seeing the benefit. So out into the snow i go to swap tires. (for the sticklers, all tires mentioned are the same size, but at varying states of wear... shouldnt be outside of the % for quattro right??)
    |MRC-Tuned Stage 3| | RS4 K04 Turbos | | RS4 Y-Pipe | | RS4 Airbox | | RS4 Fuel Pump | | 60lb Siemens injectors | | ER SMIC | | APR Bi-Pipe | | All JHM Goodies | Vogtland GT | | Porsche 993 TT Brakes | | 034 Motor & Trans Mounts|

    ...For now

    417whp @ KTR Ayer, MA 110 octane with open dumps

  5. #5
    Veteran Member Four Rings Rated S's Avatar
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    Re: F*ck Potholes!!! Argh.

    Avants came with donuts, sedans came with full sized spares. - For All Your Delicious B5 S4 Tuning/DIY Needs

    Don't like me? Feel free to email me and tell me all about it - [email protected]

  6. #6
    Senior Member Three Rings
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    Re: F*ck Potholes!!! Argh.

    I have a beat S4 full-size spare if you want it, HOLLER AT ME!

  7. #7
    Veteran Member Four Rings S4 in_lowplaces's Avatar
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    Re: F*ck Potholes!!! Argh.

    2021 Ocra blk SQ8 - Daily
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  8. #8
    Veteran Member Three Rings
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    Re: F*ck Potholes!!! Argh.

    haha whats up dave?

    yeah i should have bought the protection on the tires, but they didnt come from tirerack and even if they did i probably wouldnt have.

    who ever plans for this shit?

    so... whats the max allowed tire size differental for safe operation of Quattro?
    B6 Avant 1.8TQM - 2871RS beater. I am not a smart man.

  9. #9
    Veteran Member Four Rings
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    Re: F*ck Potholes!!! Argh.

    Get a beater.

    I went through this bullshit w/ my S last winter here in Michigan....

    Let's just say I went through 4 tires and 2 wheels, 'nuff said.
    MKIV BPM R32 (DD)
    2000 B5 S4 3L GT2860 build in progress...if only I could get my parts quick enough

  10. #10
    Veteran Member Three Rings
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    Re: F*ck Potholes!!! Argh.

    the S4 IS the beater... it's the DD, because its the most capable and easy to live with on a daily basis. It IS also the most expensive, which is counter intuitive but whatever. The RWD Turbo volvo is missing half the interior, and even though its on Nokians as well, its not a go-anywhere vehicle. The Rx7 doesnt even run at the moment awaiting a motor/chassis swap, but i dont even have to explain why its not the beater.

    my business caters to BioTechs and Hospitals, so i'm on call 24/7 for emergencies and if i cant dispatch one of my techs, i need to be able to get wherever, whenever, so the S on snows is the only way to go in that case.

    either way, i measured the circumferences of my old all seasons and it was 68 and 7/16ths, and the measured circumference of one of the Nokians was 68 and 1/2, so only 1/16" difference in circumference.

    currently running the all seasons on the back and the nokians on the front. Donut is back home in the trunk, ready to go for next time.

    4 tires and 2 wheels... FUCK dude that blows. My wheel looks to be okay, nothing obvious. I still hate that i destroyed a $180 tire. Lame.
    B6 Avant 1.8TQM - 2871RS beater. I am not a smart man.

  11. #11
    Senior Member Three Rings
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    Re: F*ck Potholes!!! Argh.

    funny, i just got back from a simliar encounter with a pothole.

    Tire is blown (i'm assuming it's not repairable). I can't see any visible damge but the air emptied out in about 2 minutes. I had to change the wheel in about 2 inches of slush. Luckly I had a jack in the trunk, and didn't have to bust out the widow maker. Then I found out the wheel was seized to the hub... I had to lie down on the ground in a nice slushy puddle to kick the wheel off.

    hopefully next year is better......

  12. #12
    Senior Member Three Rings
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    Re: F*ck Potholes!!! Argh.

    you got PM'd


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