Hey all, my co worker and I are looking to get our cars VAGed . he has a b6 and i have a b7 and we live in the local sf bay area. can anyone help us out and maybe we can do a little get together with a few beers?
Tap, Snap, or Nap!!!
2005 B6 S4 Avant; 2007 B7 A4 2.0T Quattro; 2007 GSXR 600;
Tap, Snap, or Nap!!!
2005 B6 S4 Avant; 2007 B7 A4 2.0T Quattro; 2007 GSXR 600;
another stereotypical Audi
Stage 2++++++++ JHM B7 S4
Tap, Snap, or Nap!!!
2005 B6 S4 Avant; 2007 B7 A4 2.0T Quattro; 2007 GSXR 600;
Stage 2++++++++ JHM B7 S4
another stereotypical Audi
Tap, Snap, or Nap!!!
2005 B6 S4 Avant; 2007 B7 A4 2.0T Quattro; 2007 GSXR 600;
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