I had a CEL and got it scanned at autozone (no vag com) and it came up with code p1139. Long term fuel trim, bank 2. I had this same problem, only with my bank 1 02 sensor back in july or june. i changed it out, boosted fine. Now it says the cause of this code is a "failed MAF sensor".. I figured when i saw the code for the bank 2 that it was another 02 sensor. so i ordered up a 02 from autozone right away. i read the receipt for the code later and it says "failed MAF sensor". Now I was doing the install of the 02, had the y pipe off, unplugged the sensor, unscrewed the coolant exp tank, i placed the 02 socket right on the sensor with my hand. Then i took my breaker bar, thinking i'd be able to torque it off and tried to get it into the 02 socket, but i slipped a little bit and hte socket fell down into the black hole we call an engine bay. I thoguht "great, i'll just use my magnet". I still can't find hte socket after using lights and this long magnet to try to grab it (it is magnetic), but i can't find it. Where the HELL did this thing go!?!?! I mean it can't go far. I heard it clank in there. it didn't hit the ground.
if anyone can just gimme some advice that would be amazing