Purchased an 05 Ultrasport and started down the path of trying to straigthen out some curb rash and some scratches on some of the wheel spokes.
I read the thread on this site regarding correcting the curb rash and repainting with Wurth. I was confident from the picture the color would match so I ordered up the paint, corrected the curb rash with a little bondo and filler primer to fixed the blems.
When I shot the Wurth Silver I found its not the exact color of the USP silver. I had taped off half way up several of the spokes SO now I'm looking at a mess. I'm not real happy that the color doesn't blend with the existing and questioning where to go from here. I went ahead sanded the whole wheel and shot the complete wheel, the color is hmmm, ok but not what I wanted.
Has anyone else seen this with the Wruth Silver. Looking at the can it doesn't look like its color matched, kinda generic, this true?
So now I'm thinking about taking them to a body shop or to a powdercoater. With powdercoating what happens with areas that have filler in them?
I've contemplated to start stripping them then run them thru a glass blead machine (this is going take HOURS!). The PC I worked with in the past isn't in til monday so I can't take the wheels by to get his input (and price).
Maybe its time to walk away til monday! Next time I'll be careful with wheel paint, I've learned a painful lesson.