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  1. #1
    Established Member Two Rings Jaxspeeddemon's Avatar
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    Alternator Belt Tensioner & Roller Assembly

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    the belt is on all the way on ofcourse but My belt is not all the way on the roller, it hangs off just a little bit, I replaced it last saturday because 1 rib ripped off, its 8,000 miles old. so after i replaced it i made sure it was all the way on the roller and it was then started the car up then the belt did the same thing again, part of the belt was off the roller again and now 1 week later it starting to show wear, im guessing within 5,000 miles it will rip and i will have to replace the belt again again, any suggestions....I dont know if there is a updated roller or not....

  2. #2
    Senior Member Three Rings Affinitive's Avatar
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    Re: Alternator Belt Tensioner & Roller Assembly

    replace the tensioner assembly and you should be fine. The pivot bushing wears causing roller to be "off" fom the belt. Though, usually the bearing in the roller fails long before the pivot bushing waers enough to cause the prroblem you describe.

    this is one of the reasons that they don't sell just the rollers. The entire assembly is basicly a 100k mile throw away part anyways............when you think about it, it's a miracle they last that long to begin with. The little bearing that is

    good luck


  3. #3
    Established Member Two Rings Jaxspeeddemon's Avatar
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    Re: Alternator Belt Tensioner & Roller Assembly

    ecs has it for 72 bucks

    i will get to in the next weekend or two, thanks for the help


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