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Thread: ABS Module

  1. #1
    Established Member Two Rings PreLunatic's Avatar
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    ABS Module

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    So this cold weather in chicago is really kicking my cars ass. We hit some -10F couple days. First it started with an ignition coil, to the MAF sensor, and now the ABS Module might be going. I was driving couple days ago and I stopped hard and my ABS kicked in, I was on snow. Right after that my ABS light came on with the BRAKE light flashing followed by three beeps, in about 5 seconds it was gone. So I was like ok wtf? After that day it goes on and off randomly, goes on and stays on (the ABS and the BRAKE light flashing). Sometimes it just flashes and goes off. I wanted Pep Boys to pull the code, but after driving around for about a good hour I couldnt get the damn ABS light on. Brake fluid is at the max level. Brake pads are half ass but there still good. Would these be the signs of the ABS module going or is there a bad connection somewhere? When the ABS light is not on my ABS works fine and everything is ok. I seen some shit online with people rebuilding them for about $100-$200 cuz the stealership charges around $2k or so. But, I dont want to send my ABS module to this guy w.o really knowing that its at fault. What else can it be? Speed sensors? if anyone had a similar problem please shine some light on me cuz I hate driving with dash lights blinking haha. Thanks guys!

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    Re: ABS Module

    It's starting, just wait, a year from now it will really piss you off. Oh and yes it is the modual.

  3. #3
    Established Member Two Rings PreLunatic's Avatar
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    Re: ABS Module

    whats starting? the good old audi problems? haha, what would you recommend for the module? should i send it out to some guys to rebuild it or what? I heard some people just pulling it out and driving with no ABS. but then the ABS light would be on or no? Thanks.
    2001 Black A4 1.8t-APR 93 Chip.Forge 007 DV.Custom Cat-Back.B6 A4 Rims.Vmaxx coils.Debadged.

  4. #4
    Established Member Two Rings PreLunatic's Avatar
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    Re: ABS Module

    or how about a diy for the ABS module? seen a few people here talk about it, is there one? should I go and check the sensors before I go into rebuilding the module? thanks.
    2001 Black A4 1.8t-APR 93 Chip.Forge 007 DV.Custom Cat-Back.B6 A4 Rims.Vmaxx coils.Debadged.

  5. #5
    Established Member Two Rings Jaxspeeddemon's Avatar
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    Re: ABS Module

    Mine has been bad for almost 2 years, it did the same thing your saying, it went off for 1 minute or so then went away, then came back like 2 days later for 2 minutes, then the next day it just stayed on and has been on since. the 3 beeps at startup are normal now, sometimes i dont even hear it but i will be getting it fixed soon, mine crapped out at 97,000 miles, i got 142,000 now. your best bet is to get it rebuilt for 250 or whatever and they offer a 2 yr warranty also, thats what im gonna do!

  6. #6
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    Re: ABS Module

    I would wait untill it stays on then pull the code. If it is the modual I would wait untill I sell the car to fix it or don't ever fix it before sending it to the salvage yard. Option 2 is my plan. I hate that light and have thought about unsoldering the bulbs but don't just in case I do ever want to sell the car. There is a DIY but it is extreemly delicate and should really be done by a professional, some people have ruined there moduals trying I just don't care enough about ABS to fix mine. A google search can find the DIY.

  7. #7
    Established Member Two Rings PreLunatic's Avatar
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    Re: ABS Module

    Quote Originally Posted by Jaxspeeddemon View Post
    Mine has been bad for almost 2 years, it did the same thing your saying, it went off for 1 minute or so then went away, then came back like 2 days later for 2 minutes, then the next day it just stayed on and has been on since. the 3 beeps at startup are normal now, sometimes i dont even hear it but i will be getting it fixed soon, mine crapped out at 97,000 miles, i got 142,000 now. your best bet is to get it rebuilt for 250 or whatever and they offer a 2 yr warranty also, thats what im gonna do!
    heh yeah i hear ya, but right now everytime it comes on im just like =( cuz damn i baby the shit outta my car. and stupid shit keeps happening, just frustrating especially when im still in school, got all these bills to be paying and my cars keeps taking a crap on me. anyone know some DIY on tihs problem? cuz theres some guy that re soldered the main board. this guy ( ) I just dont got $200 to be throwing around....
    2001 Black A4 1.8t-APR 93 Chip.Forge 007 DV.Custom Cat-Back.B6 A4 Rims.Vmaxx coils.Debadged.

  8. #8
    Established Member Two Rings PreLunatic's Avatar
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    Re: ABS Module

    Quote Originally Posted by Toyotatech View Post
    I would wait untill it stays on then pull the code. If it is the modual I would wait untill I sell the car to fix it or don't ever fix it before sending it to the salvage yard. Option 2 is my plan. I hate that light and have thought about unsoldering the bulbs but don't just in case I do ever want to sell the car. There is a DIY but it is extreemly delicate and should really be done by a professional, some people have ruined there moduals trying I just don't care enough about ABS to fix mine. A google search can find the DIY.
    so the ABS light and the BRAKE light flashing will one day just be on all the time right? cuz sometimes like I said I just cant get it on, and then today I just started driving in first gear and BAM there it is. strange, cuz I gotta have the problem for pep boys to actually pull the code. I guess my project for new years will be to check the speed sensors by all 4 wheels and then eventually pull the module out.
    2001 Black A4 1.8t-APR 93 Chip.Forge 007 DV.Custom Cat-Back.B6 A4 Rims.Vmaxx coils.Debadged.

  9. #9
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    Unhappy Re: ABS Module

    i have the same EXACT problem that started the same EXACT way. i live in dtown so its really really cold out here and one day my abs kicked in on some ice and the light went off. ever since then it comes on every time i drive it, even when i just start it in the drive way.................121XXX miles. has anyone had this problem and permanently fixed it?

  10. #10

    Re: ABS Module

    check sig. hit me up.
    contact via email please.

  11. #11
    Established Member Two Rings PreLunatic's Avatar
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    Re: ABS Module

    Quote Originally Posted by honzinator View Post
    i have the same EXACT problem that started the same EXACT way. i live in dtown so its really really cold out here and one day my abs kicked in on some ice and the light went off. ever since then it comes on every time i drive it, even when i just start it in the drive way.................121XXX miles. has anyone had this problem and permanently fixed it?
    Well Ill be taking the ABS module out tomorrow (sunday) ill try to take pics and if I get it working Ill post up a DIY. I know there is some guys that fix these for $200 or so but ill try to fix it myself. wish me luck haha.
    2001 Black A4 1.8t-APR 93 Chip.Forge 007 DV.Custom Cat-Back.B6 A4 Rims.Vmaxx coils.Debadged.

  12. #12
    Established Member Two Rings PreLunatic's Avatar
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    Re: ABS Module

    Quote Originally Posted by k0mpresd View Post
    check sig. hit me up.
    there aint no link in your sig, are you saying that you fix them?
    2001 Black A4 1.8t-APR 93 Chip.Forge 007 DV.Custom Cat-Back.B6 A4 Rims.Vmaxx coils.Debadged.

  13. #13
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    Re: ABS Module

    Quote Originally Posted by PreLunatic View Post
    there aint no link in your sig, are you saying that you fix them?

    Yes he does......send him a PM. Far what I gather in his posts he is great with electronics.

  14. #14
    Established Member Two Rings PreLunatic's Avatar
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    Re: ABS Module

    Quote Originally Posted by Toyotatech View Post
    Yes he does......send him a PM. Far what I gather in his posts he is great with electronics.
    sweet, thanks, Ill PM him right now.
    2001 Black A4 1.8t-APR 93 Chip.Forge 007 DV.Custom Cat-Back.B6 A4 Rims.Vmaxx coils.Debadged.


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