So this cold weather in chicago is really kicking my cars ass. We hit some -10F couple days. First it started with an ignition coil, to the MAF sensor, and now the ABS Module might be going. I was driving couple days ago and I stopped hard and my ABS kicked in, I was on snow. Right after that my ABS light came on with the BRAKE light flashing followed by three beeps, in about 5 seconds it was gone. So I was like ok wtf? After that day it goes on and off randomly, goes on and stays on (the ABS and the BRAKE light flashing). Sometimes it just flashes and goes off. I wanted Pep Boys to pull the code, but after driving around for about a good hour I couldnt get the damn ABS light on. Brake fluid is at the max level. Brake pads are half ass but there still good. Would these be the signs of the ABS module going or is there a bad connection somewhere? When the ABS light is not on my ABS works fine and everything is ok. I seen some shit online with people rebuilding them for about $100-$200 cuz the stealership charges around $2k or so. But, I dont want to send my ABS module to this guy w.o really knowing that its at fault. What else can it be? Speed sensors? if anyone had a similar problem please shine some light on me cuz I hate driving with dash lights blinking haha. Thanks guys!