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  1. #1
    Established Member Two Rings
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    Radio says "Phone" and won't stop

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    So today I go run an errand and when I get back into my car, I just hear static coming from the front left speaker. On the Bose radio it now says "PHONE" and I can't get it to go away.

    I turn off the radio, no difference. Even when the car is off, the front left speaker is putting out static. I put in a CD, it doesn't play it or switch to CD, it just says PHONE. I go into the modes to change settings, Equilization, etc... Still no difference...

    I have had the car 5 years and never seen the "PHONE" mode before. WTF???

    How do I get the car out of Phone mode?

  2. #2
    Senior Member Two Rings Splinter's Avatar
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    Re: Radio says "Phone" and won't stop

    never had this happen either, but something is obviously being tripped. im thinking its from the hookup for an in-car phone (its in the arm rest)... sooooo maybe just try unhooking the battery then entering your radio safe code and maybe that will take care of it. good luck
    2001 S4 6spd black on black- GIAC, Borla, BBS CH, CarPC, rattle can white trim, 034 snub w/ cage, ebay silicone hoses, AWE DTS, obligatory RS4 grill... dreams of Stage 3...
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  3. #3
    Established Member Two Rings
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    Re: Radio says "Phone" and won't stop

    OK, just an update if someone else finds this thread. I tried pulling the fuse and even disconnecting the battery and that didn't do it. I pulled the radio fuse overnight and the problem went away?.?.?

  4. #4
    Veteran Member Four Rings MacDaddy's Avatar
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    Re: Radio says "Phone" and won't stop

    odd, i was going to say check the connectors for the phone box in the back where the tool kit and CD changer go. perhaps something is being shorted out.
    the B5 S4 is like the mafia... there is only one way out!

  5. #5
    Senior Member Three Rings shadwarr1's Avatar
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    Re: Radio says "Phone" and won't stop

    There's also a RJ connector inside the armrest for the headset phone. Some of the wires could have broke loose and shorted there too (couple of my wires have broken off from there from the armrest constantly going up and down). FYI the radio thinks you're making/recieving a phone call so you must have a short somewhere...
    Last edited by shadwarr1; 12-30-2008 at 09:32 AM. Reason: More info
    2000 S4 6MT Brilliant Black ~Low Flyer~ Stage 3- stuff

  6. #6
    Veteran Member Four Rings MacDaddy's Avatar
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    Re: Radio says "Phone" and won't stop

    i don't think any power goes to the RJ-45 connector in the arm rest if the phone module isn't installed.
    the B5 S4 is like the mafia... there is only one way out!


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