So I basically was tired of dealing with the charging issues of my 1st gen Ipod and figured that I could piece together a in car Hard drive for much cheaper. I picked up a 12v extra cig lighter kit from wal-mart and ran it from the battery to the rear deck, with the outlet ran I used a 12v Y-connector also from wal-mart and stuck it into the newly ran socket. From there I plugged the 12v power invertor from harbor freight into one jack, and the USB FM modulator into the other. I made a removable mounting try for the wiring and the 250gig hard drive to mount on that attachs to the under side of the rear deck. This was done to ensure I had the best reception between the USB FM mod and the antenna.
With all of the hardware done and hooked up I went to my PC and saved all 82 gigs of music onto the HD. Took a good hour for that. I took the HD back to the Audi, attached it to the rack and then removed the ski bag from the rear seat back.
With that done all you have to do is turn the car on, pull the rear arm-rest to the down position and you can use the supplied remote which came with the FM Modulator to change between the play lists. I dont really mess around with the music that much when driving so this wasnt that much of a big deal.
Sounds sort of rigged, it is. lol But it works and it was cheap. Good luck spending less than $1,000 on a in car PC, or finding a ipod to hold 82 gigs of music. The reception is just as good as with any other radio station.
Pics when I have had a chance to clean everything up. Its too cold out lol.
$50.00 shipped
$8.41 Shipped
$12.99 In store.
Local Walmart:
Y-12v splitter $2.99
Additional cig lighter wiring kit $6.99