Super early morning drive back to CT from NJ. I'll spare the details of how tired I was/am and cut right to the chase.
Rolling through Bristol heading east on I84 I'm now wide awake because I'm inside 15mins from my house. The roads haven't looked good since I got off the Merritt and shot up I8. Slow and careful was the name of the game. Time is around 5:30am.
So, I come into this sweeping left turn as I'm leaving Bristol on I84. Its a bridge. I knew something would be up so I slowed down a lot and wound up coasting through it at around 60mph with my foot off the gas pedal (I can take it around 90 [safely] when its dry).
Made it through the bulk of the bridge safely but I did feel the car was a tad loose. Sure enough, I've got another 20-30ft left on the bridge and the back end breaks out and I start drifting. Fuck! Foot is off the gas and I'm easing the steering wheel to keep 'her straight. ESP light is flashing like a mofo. Next thing I know I'm heading to the left towards the curb and bridge from the left lane that I was in. Quick, gentle, steering wheel movement and now I'm straight again but instantly broke loose and now driving right. Well, there was a car in the right (middle) lane so now I'm really freaking out. There goes my Avant and someone else's car and probably me and the dog. Couple more very gentle movements with the steering wheel and the car straightened itself out as I'm coming off the bridge onto regular ground.
This all happened within a 10sec window. I thought I was a gonner and I wasn't even accelerating. Guess 60mph with some black ice is still waaay too fast.
Point of the story. Quattro and ESP saved both me and the AVant. If I was in my Jeep it would have been totaled. It was really amazing to witness the awd and computer control system in full effect. I just did my best to keep the front wheels pointed straight and the car corrected itself. Not once did I press on the brakes. I just stayed off both the brakes and gas.
Now I can go to work for my last day of the year. Enjoy!