After the new year, if Diablo were to do a raffle. Say, $10 or $20/ticket. Make it a Saturday event. Have them provide a FREE luncheon. Then at the end of the event draw tickets, I'm sure people would do that.
50 tickets sold, then you have up to X number of guaranteed prizes.
50-100 tickets sold, then you give out more prizes (all pre-determined, and posted on prem.)
100-150, then its the next tier, so on and so forth.
the higher the tiers, the better and bigger the prizes.
some small prizes, full detail, free alignment, free oil changes, free audi shirts, $50 to the parts dept.
things like that. cause it costs the dealer littler for those things.
then a higher tier, 30K maint, 60k maint, 90k maint, T-belt job and all of the prizes from the previous tier.
the next tier, $1,000 off the purchase of an Audi there, and the person can negotiate first THEN after the price is agreed upon, THEN show the $1,000 coupon. (transferable)
another tier, FREE 1 year lease on an A3, A4, etc.
and finally, don't brand this a fundraiser, nor a help diablo out, cause no one will come. have people bring some canned food, or bring jackets for the homeless. then you can probably even get local shops to donate crap that you can then give away, like $50 to spaghetti fact, or a free massage, $50 at the shane co. etc. etc.