Dude, everytime I read this, I laugh at work

-- sorry about your car, but I gotta tell you, some people get REALLY defensive about their cars (that is, the Beemer folk..us audi guys <and girls...> are laid back types)...if somebody told me that my "audisux" I'd say yes, that sucking sound you hear is the air being pulled under the hood while I put you in the rearview mirror... all kidding aside I agree with Boris -- you just don't fu*% with somebody's car...period. If it was a guy who was the perp, he must have been REAALLY REAAALLY pissed...1) he wasted Food -- a big no-no in the man bible, and 2) he probably got soaking wet during the rain, and dogs (aka Men) as you know, don't like to get wet....from rain, that is....
Now if it was a woman... 1) she probably WAS Mexican as the use of Taco Bell as ammunition is encouraged by people who have had real Mexican food before and 2) she remembered your plates from the last time you went to the theatre together -- when you drop them off on the curb, you might be able to drive away fast, but not that fast...then again, it was probably just some Mililani highschool brat that you squashed earlier in his daddy's beemer

showing his vegetarian girlfriend how a real man uses his meat (and beans in this case)...poor taste...what a retard....I'm glad your car is OK!!
I love taco bell so it wasn't me...