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I'd like to see one of the guys from APR/REVO/GIAC back that up. I just don't buy it.
Much like any mod to a computer and change to the input data will need to allow for new computations. that why you home computer needs to shut down for a service pack, or if you add a new input device i.e. a mouse.
It will take a car a while to adjust to the new data coming in, because up until the flash the factory map had limits, some of which are going to be broken. But after and few start-ups, and shut-offs, the ECU will adjust to the new parameters, and start to recognize them and adjust the math accordingly.
Think of it like adding ram to a computer your OS will recognize it immedately, but it will not use it for a day or so as it is not used to using it.
Just remember, computers are not smart, they just do what they are told.