im d1s currently, but kind off confusing and semi-hard to explain what im doing...
i PMed with HIDCONCEPTS a while back because i was looking into the ebay ecodes, which just baught off a member on here. HIDCONCEPTS told me i could run my stock xenon setup in these housings with d2s bulbs, adapters, and ignitors. this would all run me about the cost of a HID kit. so i will be looking for 6000k d2s bulbs. reason im doing this over just getting a HID kit is simply because it seems that there is a slot already in the bottem of the ebay ecode housings that will fit the stock ballast rather nicely, instead of a bulkier aftermarket one.
edit: found the phillips too, $110 per bulb. yikes!
anyone know what 6500k looks like? in terms of color....found some for $65 each, not bad.