I feel somewhat stupid posting this problem, but I'm pretty much at my breaking point as far as this goes. I drive at least 2 hours each day, mostly highway, and live in the Northeast. That means that at a minimum, I have my wipers on probably once a week. In the past, this hasn't been a problem, and the car (2007 A4 2.0T) has been a pleasure to drive in the rain. However, as of about a little over a month ago, unless the wipers are at their highest speed setting, they make a horrible chatter (like I was running them dry). This comes regardless of rain conditions, speed, temperature, etc. It is ridiculously loud and after listening to it for an hour strait, I have the worst headache imaginable.
I was hoping to wait until the summer to replace the blades, since they're about $40 each ($80 for a set is a hell of a lot), and didn't want brand new blades to get destroyed during the salty NE winter. Any suggestions? Should I just go ahead and order new blades from the dealer? Is there someplace cheaper I can get them from? Is there something I can do to alleviate this problem? Any help is appreciated.