Hey guys I need some help with programming my new key in vag-com. I've used the following steps listed below, my probloem is that when I go to change the channel to "01" or "21" to enter the new value of 1 it just says error and I can't use those channels. Is there another way to try and program the key? BTW this is my only key so I can't use the two key method. Also this is on a 2000. Thanks guys
Remote Matching
For this procedure, you must have
2) A laser cut key (just one is "needed")
3) Up to 4 compatable remotes to program
Procedure for matching remote controls to most VW & Audi vehicles:
Under "Select Control Module"
"46 - Cent. Conv." or "35 - Cent. Locking" (depending on year and make/model)
"Adaptation - 10"
First enter channel "00" as this will set all settings back to factory.
Enter channel "01" (Again "21 depending on make/model).