So yesterday I was leaving work to head home, as you do, I got into the A4 and tried to start it, it nearly fired but didn't stay running and the the battery went flat very quickly, trying to crank it over, strange as the battery looks near new and has been fine over the past week (

So I get a jump start, it fires right up but is missing heavily and running around 2000rpm, odd I thought. I packed up the jumper leads etc and then drove home. Once taken above idle the miss all but disappeared and the motor seemed to run well with the occasional miss. Still idling around the 1800rpm mark for the duration of the 10min drive. I also noticed the temp came up much faster than normal?
I get home and pop the bonnet to take a look, the engine appeared hot as there was some spilt oil (from the service I did the other day) smoking on the side of the motor. I let it cool for a while then took the cap off the expansion tank, it was hot, but not boiling. Then I restarted the engine and within 30 seconds water was erupting out of the expansion tank, I switch it off needless to say. Upon looking around I noticed one radiator hose was hot and the other was just warm, a very noticable difference in temp.
So I figured thermostat, took a look at the manual and found out I had to remove the front of the car to get behind the cam belt to find the thermostat, A cold beer was definitely in order for this, so cold beer in hand (well mostly in mouth

What is every one's guess on the idle issue, I am not sure that it can be related to the water temp problem?
I thought perhaps airflow meter? Goodness knows.
On a brighter note, I have found a new interior for my car and will organise getting that installed once the car is back on the road....