Hey guys im receiving my suspension tomorrow for my 97 audi a4 2.8 Q M. I do not have the tools to do the work myself and just dont have enough money to pay a shop to install them..
If anyone is willing or knows anyone that has done suspension before. It would be great if we could work together to get this job done.. Sometime later this week or this weekend would be perfect. I would pay whoever can help a good chunk of cash. So far the lowest someone can charge me is around $200. So that is where i am at. Thanks guys.
BTW:19 year laid back college student with pretty good knowledge with cars. I probably would try and tackle this job myself if i had the tools and a full day to do the work. BTW, i live with 3 other of my friends from the bay area and we have a perfect garage to do all the work. If you live kinda far from downtown area (thats where i am at, close to mesa college) Ill def hook you up with some grub and gas money)
thanks again guys.
415 595 8802