story starts with a bad bank 2 cat. The mechanic goes and replaces the bank1 for a cool 1000$. Now I am still getting the bank 2 bad cat code. Here is what i tried till now.
The spark plug anti fouler technique - The length of the two foulers in series with the length of the sensor was hitting the driver side firewall under heavy revving and the foulers broke the second day after install. The sensor was saved!
The diode tecnique given here. The ECU started throwing code for the sensor - "internal resistance too high" seems like the ecu was not detecting too less.
Now I am left with the following options.
1. Buy/build an o2 simulator circuit.
2. Get a wayne angle block so that sensors go in in a right angle.
3. reflash the ecu
What do you guys think? Any thoughts?
Also, Where can I get the ECU reflashed? I live in middletown connecticut.