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    No Brakes! - Master Cylinder shot at 35K?

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    Hello all!

    I just took my 2006 A4 in to have the front pads replaced as the sensor was going off and had been having problems with my pedal travel on my brakes. The mechanic replaced the pads and got in the car to pump the pedal and get all the air out of the line and then go on a test drive. He got in to go on a test drive and did not have any brakes at all, he had to stop using the e-brake. He put it back in the shop and figured that the master cylinder was bad. I had roadside assistance tow the car into the dealership but they said they "may get to it today" meanwhile I am walking to get around.

    Question for those of you who know more than I do, are Audi's master cylinders crap due to the fact that it died at less than 35K or is there something else I should look into?

  2. #2
    Veteran Member Four Rings J-jizzle's Avatar
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    Re: No Brakes! - Master Cylinder shot at 35K?

    Sounds kinda strange.

  3. #3
    Veteran Member Three Rings
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    Re: No Brakes! - Master Cylinder shot at 35K?

    how old are you ? you may be able to get a loaner from the dealer if they will have it for a couple days, free of charge.
    As for the damage, I haven't heard of them going that early, was this a trusted shop or just a monroe muffler and brakes type place ?
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  4. #4
    Senior Member Three Rings Blarg's Avatar
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    Re: No Brakes! - Master Cylinder shot at 35K?

    Mechanic error: I would say they should flush the fluid first, seems to convenient for them to do the brakes and the master cylinder go out the same time.
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  5. #5
    Veteran Member Four Rings Glassnpowder98's Avatar
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    Re: No Brakes! - Master Cylinder shot at 35K?

    That sounds pretty fishy to me. If you had brakes before bringing it into the shop and then they failed during the mechanic's testing of the car, it was obviously due to something the mechanic did. This shop should be held 100% responsible for the problem and any repairs that might stem from this. Like someone else asked, was this an Audi dealership or another reputable shop?
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  6. #6
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    Re: No Brakes! - Master Cylinder shot at 35K?

    Count your blessings; fortunately nobody got hurt. I'm assuming you're having an Audi dealer tech doing the work under warranty? If so, did he/she use VAGCOM when bleeding the brakes? I would HOPE that, given your history of brake pedal application issues, that they completely replaced ALL fluid and did so in the correct way rather than just a bleed-until-there's-no-bubbles? I would have the entire system flushed with new fluid.

    With modern ABS systems, to ensure that all fluid is replaced and all air is out of the system, the ABS system is usually activated during the bleeding process although not always necessary. It is the same way on the Corvettes and Mercedes and I'm sure that VW/Audi would have something along that course as well, probably via VAGCOM.

    That said, I would be surprised if your master cylinder is bad (although it is a prime suspect) and would look at the fluid situation and ABS unit. To reiterate, a complete fluid replacement should be done before they begin replacing parts to fix what they guess might be wrong. Even the best of techs can on occasion botch a brake system fluid replacement.

  7. #7
    Veteran Member Four Rings Louis J.'s Avatar
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    Re: No Brakes! - Master Cylinder shot at 35K?

    I've never heard of a master cylinder going from being operational to not working at all. Usually, they stop working progressively. The one variable with your problem is a tech doing pads and a fluid change so I second Glass and Bmeister's comments about something having gone wrong with what he did.

    BTW, you have a fee brake fluid flush from Audi if you haven't already used it up.
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  8. #8
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    Re: No Brakes! - Master Cylinder shot at 35K?

    It was an independent shop, not a Monroe/Midas type shop. The guy who owns the shop is a Mercedes certified tech, formerly owned a Mercedes dealership. He has worked on BMWs, Ferrari, Acura NSX, etc. He should know his stuff, but you never know. I don't know how many Audis he has worked on. I went to him at recommendation of a friend and he was much closer to my house than the two hour haul to the Audi dealership.

    I called the dealership that the car was towed to and left a message for them to do my flush and fill as recommened (hell I might as well if Audi is paying for it!) I will find out what the dealership says and post an update, thanks for your opinions.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Three Rings BLACKa4QUAT's Avatar
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    Re: No Brakes! - Master Cylinder shot at 35K?

    was there no brakes at all or was it really hard to stop the car? it could be the vacuum line got tweaked on the other side of the master cylinder. happened to me before.
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  10. #10
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    Re: No Brakes! - Master Cylinder shot at 35K?

    Quote Originally Posted by BLACKa4QUAT View Post
    was there no brakes at all or was it really hard to stop the car? it could be the vacuum line got tweaked on the other side of the master cylinder. happened to me before.
    None at all, we had to throw the emergency brake to get it to stop.

  11. #11
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    Re: No Brakes! - Master Cylinder shot at 35K?

    Official word from the shop is that both the brake booster and the master cylinder were shot. They checked with the mechanic who did the brake job and found him to be in the clear. Both parts to be replaced under warranty.

    Still, it sucks all the work I have had done to this car under warranty. Anyone recommend an extended warranty for these? It was in the shop a couple of months ago for timing problems.

  12. #12
    Veteran Member Four Rings supamannn99's Avatar
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    Re: No Brakes! - Master Cylinder shot at 35K?

    that's audi reliability for ya.

  13. #13
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    Re: No Brakes! - Master Cylinder shot at 35K?

    Quote Originally Posted by supamannn99 View Post
    that's audi reliability for ya.
    Yeah, the best part is waiting on the parts to arrive. I am getting my 35k service at the same time as this brake repair at the dealership. They did not have any of the brake parts (which I figured) but they also did not have the parts for the scheduled maintenance. The service manager said they had to order spark plugs! It is going to take a few days for parts to arrive as apparently everything for an Audi comes direct from Germany via carrier pigeon.


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