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  1. #1
    Active Member Two Rings trbo4's Avatar
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    wierd brake light issue help!

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    Ok so the error came up on the cluster that a rear brake light was out and sure enough the DR side was. So I replaced it and the passenger side at the same time. Tested out ok. Next day it comes up again but the wierd thing is both lights work but its like the brakes are on all the time. The 3rd brake light comes on when you just turn on the headligths. I assume this should only be on when breaking. I tried changing the bulbs around with no luck. I am sure I got the right bulbs because its what the book said and they look exactly like the ones in there. The only wierd thing is that the passenger side was missing the bulb at the top but the dr side had all 4 in there. I tried to take the dr side top one out just to check and that didn't fix it. Any ideas? Are there different size bulbs that go in there? I just used the catalog at autozone.
    2000 A4 1.8T

  2. #2
    Senior Member Three Rings
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    Re: wierd brake light issue help!

    Sounds like an incorrect bulb problem causing feedback. I would try differnt bulbs.

    The reason why you don't have as many bulbs on the one side is the top one is for the rear fog lamps and it comes from the factory with only one side installed, if you put a bulb in the other side it would work but you would need to dremal out the hole to make it fit in the housing.

  3. #3
    Active Member Two Rings trbo4's Avatar
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    Re: wierd brake light issue help!

    I did some more research and figured it out. You were right. The bottom bulb has to be a double filimant bulb or you get all kinds of wacky problems like I got. I must have switched them around wrong or something. Works fine now.
    2000 A4 1.8T


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