Well I'm currently sitting at the dyno, car made some nice numbers, 276/347 on only a giac-x dynojet. The bad part? After the guy takes it off the dyno and parks it he turns the car off without letting it cooldown! I didn't know that of course since I would assume he knew to let it run a minuite side tree were about 20 other turbo cars there with me. So I get back to the car and guess what? It dosent run! Surprise! The car cranks and starts but dies immediatly after. It's a 01 a box with a 'remanufacuted 1k ago' Bosch maf. I have somone otw so I can switch my old h box back in and see if it's the maf.. Anyoe else have any ideas? I thought about blown turbos but the car would idle at least right?