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  1. #1
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    can I replace just one tire?

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    Ok Its seems like I have really bad luck with this car at the worst time possible. I first had my turbos fail on me 2 months before my wedding... now a rim cracks and destroys my tire right before Christmas... Now I know I really should replace all 4 tires, but money is a little tight right now and I can't really afford to buy all new tires. My tires only have about 6k on them so they're relatively new. what do you think? would I be ok replacing just one? or how bout two?

  2. #2
    Veteran Member Four Rings blmlozz's Avatar
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    Re: can I replace just one tire?

    You'll be okay. 6k isn't something to worry about.

  3. #3
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    Re: can I replace just one tire?

    replace one but get the same tires as the other 3

  4. #4
    Veteran Member Four Rings blmlozz's Avatar
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    Re: can I replace just one tire?

    Quote Originally Posted by 1FASTB6S4 View Post
    replace one but get the same tires as the other 3
    Good point, you defentaly don't want 1 wheel having more or less traction than the others.

  5. #5
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    Re: can I replace just one tire?

    I would replace it with the same model tire. and I was thinking about it, it might be closer to about 8-10k on the tires. still ok to replace one? Would it be better if I replace two tires so at least they'll be even? I haven't check thread depth yet. wheel repair shop called and said my tire was no good, so I'm trying to see what my options are. Just want to make sure if I do replace one or two that it doesn't mess up the quattro system

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    Veteran Member Three Rings nateS4's Avatar
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    Re: can I replace just one tire?

    What is the speed rating of the tire, cause higher speed rated tires = less tread life warranty. 10k could be half worn. I would then do 2 to be safe.
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    Active Member Four Rings ThirdStrike's Avatar
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    Re: can I replace just one tire?

    LOL not according to discount tire company those morons think it will ruin your diff
    if i was gonna run different tread tho id run it in the front. theres less tq on those wheels
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  8. #8
    Veteran Member Four Rings MacDaddy's Avatar
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    Re: can I replace just one tire?

    Quote Originally Posted by ThirdStrike View Post
    LOL not according to discount tire company those morons think it will ruin your diff
    if i was gonna run different tread tho id run it in the front. theres less tq on those wheels
    depending on how worn a tire is, its true, if one wheel is spinning slower than the other the spider gears on the pinion shaft will be constantly spinning, they are only designed to spin when going around a corner, when your going straight they don't move.
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    Re: can I replace just one tire?

  10. #10
    Veteran Member Three Rings OldYella's Avatar
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    Re: can I replace just one tire?

    Replace in pairs, or all 4 if needed. But certainly pairs at the least.
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  11. #11
    Senior Member Three Rings Iosilver's Avatar
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    Re: can I replace just one tire?

    I feel ya brother. I had the same thing happen to me but without the whole one vagina for the rest of my life thing ( I kid)happen to me. I had a tire blowout on me an I didn't have the spare tire with me on a Sunday by a shop mind you, that didn't have my size tires haha. So two days later my driver side turbo went pooh on me. Good luck, I'd say buy a pair. Check out Discount Tire's Ebay store free shipping and ok price on some tires or AW classifieds
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  12. #12
    Established Member Two Rings rick_chicago's Avatar
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    Re: can I replace just one tire?

    Try ebay for a used tire...sure there's some risk, but you should be able to find 1, 2 or 4 used - same brand, type, and relative wear - for very little money.
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    Re: can I replace just one tire?

    I found a guy that has a pair thats the same model and size. I think I may end up just replacing a pair. HE said there was still about 90-80% tread left. I figured it would be better to do a pair and be on the safe side.

  14. #14
    Veteran Member Four Rings jibberjive's Avatar
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    Re: can I replace just one tire?

    Same problem, but I can't find any Kumho Ecsta 235/35/19's to replace 2 with since they're discontinued. I've got til spring though.
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  15. #15
    Veteran Member Four Rings Boris's Avatar
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    Re: can I replace just one tire?

    lot of stupid posts in here. quattro can handle it. put a different tire on it will be fine. Your not going to blow anything. ruin anything etc etc etc.

    If you could afford to replace all four great, or two better I guess, but if all you can do is one, it will be fine.

    The differences in traction will be within the tolerances you can get away with on the quattro on our cars.

    Search AW for the exact numbers and limits of tolerance allowed if you're interested.

    EDit: just remembered, I replaced just one tire a year ago when it got a flat...not even the same tread or problems to date. Again, search AW for the exact break down of the difference in traction that you can get away with on quattro without creating any problems etc.

    Good luck on the wedding! ANd if you have any doubt at all... GET OUT NOW BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Last edited by Boris; 12-06-2008 at 05:11 AM.

  16. #16
    Veteran Member Four Rings jibberjive's Avatar
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    Re: can I replace just one tire?

    A little different and there may have been many other factors at play here, but there was a TT here locally that had the haldex diff lock up at the track on the straight away and it hit the wall. I think it was running a staggered setup. I've heard as long as they're within 3% of the same rolling diameter then you're all good.
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  17. #17
    Veteran Member Three Rings oaybar007's Avatar
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    Re: can I replace just one tire?

    I just blew my front left tire on my 04 Ultrasport today so I definitely feel your pain. I tried patching it with no luck. As soon as I inflated it back up it went down again.

    I have ContiExtremeContacts with almost 24k on them so unfortunately I have to replace all four.

    I'm sure that you have already taken care of your tire issue but I'll throw my 2cents in anyways...
    As it was stated above you can get away with replacing one or two but use your better judgment. If the tread depth on the current tires are considerably lower than what the new ones are at you may want to replace all of them.

  18. #18
    Veteran Member Four Rings S4 in_lowplaces's Avatar
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    Re: can I replace just one tire?

    you should replace two. you dont neeed all four,
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