Originally Posted by
so, your leaky VCG caused an oily mess on the pipes and hoses around the DV area? I've been trying to figure out a similar issue. Check out this thread and see if my pics look like your engine did - if you have time, please!
Yep, looked just like that! If you reach around onto the subframe you should see some grime build up, just the same with the sides of the block near cylinders 1&2, all around the starter and the coolant/oil lines to the turbo. I haven't cleaned it up completely but I've done about as good as I can without any harsh chemicals. I took some brake cleaner and paper towels and have just been working my way around everything and anything that looked grimy.
Here are some images of my car when I was taking care of my emissions and valve cover gasket:
As for your oil around the oil filter area, there are two likely causes.
1. Residual oil on the side of the block trickled down from removing the old filter. I always do a full wipe down of that area after removing the old filter as it seems to make an awful mess. Usually I'll let it sit for about 15 minutes and do another wipe down in case I missed something.
2. The oil filter o-ring is not seating perfectly and some oil may be passing by it. I'd take a clean rag/towel and clean the mating surface and threads for the filter pedestal and then take your finger with some fresh oil on it and run it around the parameter of the filter o-ring to aid the seal.