Well, I didn't know how long it was going to take before I received in a ticket after getting this car until it happened last night. I was driving home from class about 10:30 at night and got onto the parkway right by Garden State Plaza. There was extremely light traffic as I was driving on the ramp to get on, looked in the rear view and my surroundings and decided to get on it a little bit, before anybody flames me for getting a ticket, I am a pretty capable driver and I know when to mess around and not too...So, I drive about a mile or two driving about ~115mph steady in my lane, when I remember that a cop usually sits off the clifton exit 154 I think. I slow down way before he could get me and all of a sudden in my rear view it looked as if the car behind me was about the smash into my bumper, throws his lights on and I pull over to the side...I'm thinking Where the heellllllll did this guy come from...
I pull over, hazards, car off, hands steering wheel..lol...all the necessary things so you don't get yelled at. The cop comes up to my window and asks me what the hell was I thinking.."license, registration, insurance" So I pull out all my things, he throws my PBA card back in the car without even looking at it and doesnt even bother looking at or taking my insurance card.
He says I'll be right back, while I'm in the car I was thinking to myself how badly he could probley screw me right now...wreckless, improper lane change, and of course...speeding...Well, he comes back to the car and says I paced you all the way back from when you got onto that exit and you were doing well over 100mph and changing lanes, the cop clocked you at 102mph
( which I believe is bolognese because theres no way I was even close to him as I began to slow down) .
He hands me the ticket, and he says I gave you 100 mph in a 55..No court appearance required, with visible, dry, clear roads with no traffic. I said have a nice night and he said drive safe!
So.....I have 2 points from a ticket last June that will be expiring next week. I will have a clean record come then, I am 22 years old...Pay for my own car, insurance, ect. Only thing on my driving record are minor non moving violations and 1 speeding ticket.
My question is, 45 over the limit....5 points...$250 fine...What do you think in your opinion I should do, or what can happen, what do you think the worst and best case outcome of this is?
The court date is on Dec. 17 and it's in Saddle Brook, NJ. The ticket was given by a NJ State Trooper, he honestly didn't seem like a bad guy, I guess he had to give me something, sucks it came to this though.
A friend of mine works as a court administrator and suggested I mail in a postponement for court, come in after it has been postponed, plead not guilty, then move to trial, and supposedly he said I could drag this on for about a year, and he also claims that State Troopers are notorious for not showing up to their court dates, so basically I'm gambling on the fact that he will not show up and hopefully receive a dismissal.
Anyways, thanks for listening, and I would appreciate any feedback on that matter at hand. Again, I'm aware this was a stupid move on my part, just want to know if anybody has had a similar situation or any assistance that could be given.
Thanks guys,