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    Senior Member Three Rings 93hrdtptt's Avatar
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    Exclamation 100mph in a 55mph speeding ticket on GSP!

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    Well, I didn't know how long it was going to take before I received in a ticket after getting this car until it happened last night. I was driving home from class about 10:30 at night and got onto the parkway right by Garden State Plaza. There was extremely light traffic as I was driving on the ramp to get on, looked in the rear view and my surroundings and decided to get on it a little bit, before anybody flames me for getting a ticket, I am a pretty capable driver and I know when to mess around and not too...So, I drive about a mile or two driving about ~115mph steady in my lane, when I remember that a cop usually sits off the clifton exit 154 I think. I slow down way before he could get me and all of a sudden in my rear view it looked as if the car behind me was about the smash into my bumper, throws his lights on and I pull over to the side...I'm thinking Where the heellllllll did this guy come from...

    I pull over, hazards, car off, hands steering the necessary things so you don't get yelled at. The cop comes up to my window and asks me what the hell was I thinking.."license, registration, insurance" So I pull out all my things, he throws my PBA card back in the car without even looking at it and doesnt even bother looking at or taking my insurance card.

    He says I'll be right back, while I'm in the car I was thinking to myself how badly he could probley screw me right now...wreckless, improper lane change, and of course...speeding...Well, he comes back to the car and says I paced you all the way back from when you got onto that exit and you were doing well over 100mph and changing lanes, the cop clocked you at 102mph
    ( which I believe is bolognese because theres no way I was even close to him as I began to slow down) .

    He hands me the ticket, and he says I gave you 100 mph in a 55..No court appearance required, with visible, dry, clear roads with no traffic. I said have a nice night and he said drive safe!

    So.....I have 2 points from a ticket last June that will be expiring next week. I will have a clean record come then, I am 22 years old...Pay for my own car, insurance, ect. Only thing on my driving record are minor non moving violations and 1 speeding ticket.

    My question is, 45 over the limit....5 points...$250 fine...What do you think in your opinion I should do, or what can happen, what do you think the worst and best case outcome of this is?

    The court date is on Dec. 17 and it's in Saddle Brook, NJ. The ticket was given by a NJ State Trooper, he honestly didn't seem like a bad guy, I guess he had to give me something, sucks it came to this though.

    A friend of mine works as a court administrator and suggested I mail in a postponement for court, come in after it has been postponed, plead not guilty, then move to trial, and supposedly he said I could drag this on for about a year, and he also claims that State Troopers are notorious for not showing up to their court dates, so basically I'm gambling on the fact that he will not show up and hopefully receive a dismissal.

    Anyways, thanks for listening, and I would appreciate any feedback on that matter at hand. Again, I'm aware this was a stupid move on my part, just want to know if anybody has had a similar situation or any assistance that could be given.

    Thanks guys,


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    Veteran Member Four Rings dougyfresh's Avatar
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    Re: 100mph in a 55mph speeding ticket on GSP!

    Quote Originally Posted by 93hrdtptt View Post
    He says I'll be right back, while I'm in the car I was thinking to myself how badly he could probley screw me right now...wreckless, improper lane change, and of course...speeding...Well, he comes back to the car and says I paced you all the way back from when you got onto that exit and you were doing well over 100mph and changing lanes, the cop clocked you at 102mph
    ( which I believe is bolognese because theres no way I was even close to him as I began to slow down) .
    If you claim the road was empty then where was he?

    5points? <-- WOW .

    I think you're f'd either way. At least that is how I look at tickets of this magnitude.
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    Active Member Four Rings HOFFY11's Avatar
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    Re: 100mph in a 55mph speeding ticket on GSP!

    knowing good old new jersey, you may be able to pay enough money to get the ticket lowered..NJ just looks for money, could probably get away with murder here as long as you have enough money to pay the state..=/

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    Re: 100mph in a 55mph speeding ticket on GSP!

    I got a 101 in a 55. I also got a 96 in a 55 a year earlier. You are fudged.
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    Veteran Member Four Rings dougyfresh's Avatar
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    Re: 100mph in a 55mph speeding ticket on GSP!

    I have been there in that state too.

    Getting caught At speeds that excessive is not good. You can not really talk your way out of it in court.
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    Re: 100mph in a 55mph speeding ticket on GSP!

    Quote Originally Posted by dougyfresh View Post
    If you claim the road was empty then where was he?

    5points? <-- WOW .

    I think you're f'd either way. At least that is how I look at tickets of this magnitude.

    There was extremely light traffic, a handfull of cars were behind me, I assumed a checked all around....Guess that's what happens when you assume...ehhh

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    Senior Member Two Rings Joeski's Avatar
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    Re: 100mph in a 55mph speeding ticket on GSP!

    nj now has a mandatory 250 dollar add on to any tickets that are lowerd but honestly for a ticket of that magnitude id expect to pay well over 500 and ull prob still walk away with 2 points

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    Senior Member Three Rings 93hrdtptt's Avatar
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    Re: 100mph in a 55mph speeding ticket on GSP!

    Quote Originally Posted by deb38 View Post
    I got a 101 in a 55. I also got a 96 in a 55 a year earlier. You are fudged.
    What ended up happening with both your tickets? How was your driving record priar?

    The speeding ticket I got last year was a crock...I was doing 54 in a 40...This is basically my first big one...

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    Senior Member Three Rings 93hrdtptt's Avatar
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    Re: 100mph in a 55mph speeding ticket on GSP!

    I guess if I can get it postponed long enough, I'll just make sure to save enough, pay my 500 and walk away with 2 points...My main concern is the license, gotta love the government...We should institute an autobahn over here...only allow the DSM's to drive on lol

  10. #10
    Veteran Member Three Rings streetsoffire's Avatar
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    Re: 100mph in a 55mph speeding ticket on GSP!

    Interesting.......No mention of reckless driving on the ticket?
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    Veteran Member Four Rings GetBoosted84's Avatar
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    Re: 100mph in a 55mph speeding ticket on GSP!

    Don't bank on the officer not showing to court. They get overtime for that. I wish your friend was right about them not showing but sadly he/she is not.

  12. #12
    Senior Member Three Rings 93hrdtptt's Avatar
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    Re: 100mph in a 55mph speeding ticket on GSP!

    Quote Originally Posted by streetsoffire View Post
    Interesting.......No mention of reckless driving on the ticket?
    Nope, I thought I was going to get one...that's why he appeared to be a pretty decent guy..

    I know over here if you double the speed limit, your in a whole new catagory of screwed..double the fines, ect. So, looking at that and the fact he gave me "only" 100mph...I feel there is still a chance to fight it, not without ridiculous costs of course

    Figure they allow you to drop the 5 points down to 3, lets say even 2...So its 250 + 250 for each point taken off...

    So now you have 2 points and a $750 dollar bill at the end of the day. F'ing retarded and quite an expensive thrilling 100mph drive...pffttt

    Atleast, its a one time shot of that and insurance won't sky rocket...I hope

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    Senior Member Three Rings 93hrdtptt's Avatar
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    Re: 100mph in a 55mph speeding ticket on GSP!

    Quote Originally Posted by GetBoosted84 View Post
    Don't bank on the officer not showing to court. They get overtime for that. I wish your friend was right about them not showing but sadly he/she is not.
    Would you then suggest try postponing for awhile...get the funds together and just attempt some sort of plea to knock the most of what they can down...

    A friend of mine knocked down his 2nd suspended license ticket (long story)to a combination of less severe tickets, he paid his dues, but in the end didn't go to jail...

    Has anybody ever gotten that kind of bargain before?

    I wish there were more things to find on the internet than just some book explaining how to get out of 100% of your speeding tickets...ehh

  14. #14
    Veteran Member Four Rings DownhillA4's Avatar
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    Re: 100mph in a 55mph speeding ticket on GSP!

    Unfortunately I don't have any advice on this topic to help you out, but hope everything works out as best as possible for you Tom.
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    Re: 100mph in a 55mph speeding ticket on GSP!

    Quote Originally Posted by 93hrdtptt View Post
    What ended up happening with both your tickets? How was your driving record priar?

    The speeding ticket I got last year was a crock...I was doing 54 in a 40...This is basically my first big one...
    Both of mine were in Massachusetts. I sent for a court date on both tickets. The first ticket was "lost in the mail" according to the Court. Thus resulting in a suspended license. The second time, my court date was sent to my old address (my mistake), thus resulting in a suspended license.

    Each ticket was about 700 dollars and ended up costing another 300 per ticket to reinstate my license.
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    Re: 100mph in a 55mph speeding ticket on GSP!

    Blinder M25 X-Treme Laser Jammer anyone?

    Won't help if they pace you but will help if they hit you with lidar or laser.

  17. #17

    Re: 100mph in a 55mph speeding ticket on GSP!

    Tom wtf!!!

  18. #18
    Veteran Member Four Rings njm23's Avatar
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    Re: 100mph in a 55mph speeding ticket on GSP!

    Honestly man, at 45mph over in Jersey, you'll be lucky to have a license when it's said and done. And BTW the whole cop not showing up if you postpone it, it doesn't matter here. They will still follow through with the ticket, that DOES NOT work. although for some reason everyone thinks it does.

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    Re: 100mph in a 55mph speeding ticket on GSP!

    Bro go to the court plead guilty and then hopfully the DA will let you pay for the ticket and points with the court fees .. no points :)
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  20. #20

    Re: 100mph in a 55mph speeding ticket on GSP!

    My buddy got a 104 in a 55 after prom a few years back on the GSP. 10 pts

    Reckless was completely dropped, and the speeding ticket was reduced to a speed where he only got 2 points + fines.

    Who knows maybe the prosecutor will be in a good mood. Good luck buddy...

    If you have aim hit me up so we can chat about it.

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    Senior Member Three Rings 93hrdtptt's Avatar
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    Re: 100mph in a 55mph speeding ticket on GSP!

    Quote Originally Posted by joeycuccaro View Post
    My buddy got a 104 in a 55 after prom a few years back on the GSP. 10 pts

    Reckless was completely dropped, and the speeding ticket was reduced to a speed where he only got 2 points + fines.

    Who knows maybe the prosecutor will be in a good mood. Good luck buddy...

    If you have aim hit me up so we can chat about it.

    oh man, How I hope to get something like that lol...too bad a few years ago they didn't charge you for dropping points...but I'll still take a 2 point violation

    Did he go to court by himself? What steps did he take?

  22. #22
    Veteran Member Four Rings A4 KiDD 810's Avatar
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    Re: 100mph in a 55mph speeding ticket on GSP!

    Doesnt seem nearly as bad as what you would get in NY, but either way I think the best thing to do(and I'm not trying to be parental or anything I'm 17 lol) but If that was me I would just be like ok... I got caught doing 102 .....theres no excuse for that. Pay it and take whatever the penalty is and hope for a lighter-penalty. In NY if you are caught 100mph or more you are arrested. Ohh yea. BUY A VALENTINE ONE !!!! MINE WORKS EVERY TIME !!! I would never think about even going above 80-85 without a reliable detector lol but thats just me. Really though, you are 22 in a v8 s4, then a $500 V1 shouldnt be too hard on your wallet, but let me say it's worth every single penny. Also in NY alot of times troopers or cops in general will give you breaks ESPECIALLY on speeding tickets. My friend got 96 or 99 or something in a 55 this past summer, right away the state trooper dropped it to 87 on the spot, he pled not guilty(over here you can never go wrong) and they gave everyone 60 in a 55 and $200 fine at his court date yesterday. So maybe you should do the same. They dont care about the speed they care about your money. Good luck with it though and dont forget to protect yourself with a v1 or something similar lol. Then have fun with your s4.

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    Registered Member Two Rings Ricky8997's Avatar
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    Re: 100mph in a 55mph speeding ticket on GSP!

    I wish I could give some advise because I'm a police officer in CT but our state laws are totaly differant.

    FYI - In CT anything over 85mph on a Highway is an arrest and considered reckless driving, which equals license suspension....

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    Re: 100mph in a 55mph speeding ticket on GSP!

    Quote Originally Posted by deb38 View Post
    Both of mine were in Massachusetts. I sent for a court date on both tickets. The first ticket was "lost in the mail" according to the Court. Thus resulting in a suspended license. The second time, my court date was sent to my old address (my mistake), thus resulting in a suspended license.

    Each ticket was about 700 dollars and ended up costing another 300 per ticket to reinstate my license.
    Wow. I got EXTREMELY lucky then... Hence why I have slowed down significantly.
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  25. #25
    Veteran Member Four Rings audikid66's Avatar
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    Re: 100mph in a 55mph speeding ticket on GSP!

    its jersey.... he only gave you one tiket.. ur gonna pay 250 for ur ticket... and like 250 surcharge if this is ur first ticket being dropped...plead guilty go into to the prosecuter and see what he can do for you...most likely that what he will do...u got lucky and he only gave you one ticket... u should walk outta there with that ticket being dropped to 2 points and $500 wasted that u coulda spent on mods..but dont think of it that way..think of it as paying the cops salary :/ don't feel bad i have 6 points and jus got a careless driving-excessive speed ticket up north... it sucks..i have probably about $1000 in tickets/surcharges on my credit card that i pay every month... it blows but thats the price u gotta pay for bein wreckless.. i am lucky to have my license..i have gotten lucky A LOT so for the times u get caught with a bad cop u jus gotta remember the times u got out of other shit with no ticket..mkes u feel not AS bad when u pay ur tickets lol
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    Re: 100mph in a 55mph speeding ticket on GSP!

    yeah 250 surcharge to drop 2 points. thats 5 points, more like a $500 surcharge for 4 points. He is lucky he didn't get charged with anything serious, cop was pretty nice if u ask me. Goodluck with the prosecutor and judge, hopefully they both are having great days haha. Being how fast u were going its hard to say how the judge will take it, I got a 88 in 55, and had it dropped to 2 points, prosecutor wouldn't do anything else for me since he said I already got off easy by not getting a wreckless driving ect.. and paid $320.

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    Re: 100mph in a 55mph speeding ticket on GSP!

    go to court and try to fight it. you might get it dropped to a lesser offense. the worst that could happen would be that you lose and pay a court fee.

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    Re: 100mph in a 55mph speeding ticket on GSP!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ricky8997 View Post
    I wish I could give some advise because I'm a police officer in CT but our state laws are totaly differant.

    FYI - In CT anything over 85mph on a Highway is an arrest and considered reckless driving, which equals license suspension....
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  29. #29

    Re: 100mph in a 55mph speeding ticket on GSP!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ricky8997 View Post
    I wish I could give some advise because I'm a police officer in CT but our state laws are totaly differant.

    FYI - In CT anything over 85mph on a Highway is an arrest and considered reckless driving, which equals license suspension....
    only 85?!

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    Re: 100mph in a 55mph speeding ticket on GSP!

    plead unsafe driving, its like $450, no points
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    Re: 100mph in a 55mph speeding ticket on GSP!

    Quote Originally Posted by V8S4Fun View Post
    Damn, a cop with an RS4, SWEET!
    we like our toys to my coworker just bought the new BMW M3 Sedan. It's a real close race with the RS4

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    Re: 100mph in a 55mph speeding ticket on GSP!

    ^Just pure curiosity, how do cops afford these type of cars lol, I know its not the best paying job in the world so I'm just curious.

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    Re: 100mph in a 55mph speeding ticket on GSP!

    Quote Originally Posted by A4 KiDD 810 View Post
    ^Just pure curiosity, how do cops afford these type of cars lol, I know its not the best paying job in the world so I'm just curious.
    Its all about balancing your finances (and getting some nice overtime too ). My police officer friends in NJ have toys similar to Ricky8997's RS4 and such.
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    Re: 100mph in a 55mph speeding ticket on GSP!

    Quote Originally Posted by A4 KiDD 810 View Post
    ^Just pure curiosity, how do cops afford these type of cars lol, I know its not the best paying job in the world so I'm just curious.
    Basically I'm at top step in pay, work at least one OT shift per week at 45/hour, and have been smart about my budget. Oh yeah, I don't live with my parents either, I own my home (well the bank does) Police officers in CT and NY can easily make $100,000.00 per year if you put in the effort to work OT.

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    Re: 100mph in a 55mph speeding ticket on GSP!

    Ohh cool, thanks.

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    Veteran Member Four Rings wofman's Avatar
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    Re: 100mph in a 55mph speeding ticket on GSP!

    "unsafe driving" is alternative with moving violations ($ increased, no points) -- I'd be VERY surprised if prosecutor allowed you to plead to that. I'm no longer certain of the increments, but amount of speed over speed limit determines points -- I think everything 20mph + is same (4) but there may also be a 6 point threshold?. If so, see if they'll agree to guilty at 74 mph. Surprised you didn't get reckless, too (which would typically be what you negotiate out of with prosecutor). Good luck!!
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  37. #37

    Re: 100mph in a 55mph speeding ticket on GSP!

    Quote Originally Posted by wofman View Post
    "unsafe driving" is alternative with moving violations ($ increased, no points) -- I'd be VERY surprised if prosecutor allowed you to plead to that. I'm no longer certain of the increments, but amount of speed over speed limit determines points -- I think everything 20mph + is same (4) but there may also be a 6 point threshold?. If so, see if they'll agree to guilty at 74 mph. Surprised you didn't get reckless, too (which would typically be what you negotiate out of with prosecutor). Good luck!!
    Good thing we didn't get get hit on the Taconic Warren, i think we would of been facing much more than a speeding ticket

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    Re: 100mph in a 55mph speeding ticket on GSP!

    yeah my gf was doing 45 in a 25 and she got 4 pionts on the license... to drop all the 4 points she had to pay about 500 surcharge to get it dropped in court.... but you were going more than 40mph over so i am not sure... just try to work something out and take a defensive driving course for 60 bucks to reduce some points you still have remaining

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    Veteran Member Four Rings kneel's Avatar
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    Re: 100mph in a 55mph speeding ticket on GSP!

    Tom i think you should give me your S4 and pay your fines. I'll let you have the Avant
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  40. #40

    Re: 100mph in a 55mph speeding ticket on GSP!

    Quote Originally Posted by kneel View Post
    Tom i think you should give me your S4 and pay your fines. I'll let you have the Avant


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