1998 A4 Quattro 2.8 30 Valve V6 with approx. 120XXX miles. A couple weeks ago I started to notice the car not firing immediately on the first crank. No problem, it always fired up second or third crank. The car runs perfect otherwise with NO CELs. One day I went to crank it up and it didn't start up after two or three cranks. Finally it started up and ran fine all the way home.
I went to move the car later that evening and it wouldn't start. It would turn over fine, sounded normal, but wouldn't fire off and run. Since then, it hasn't started up but still cranks over fine.
I've done the following:
-Reconditioned and charged battery
-Listened for fuel pump activation but I can't hear it (I don't know how
audible the audi fuel pump is???? i have never been able to hear it before
now and i've listened for it when it was running fine)
-Tried to read codes with handheld OBD II but I keep getting a "NO LINK"
message on this particular unit.
-Pulled fuses 28, 29, 34 and checked voltage across terminals and I want
to say that maybe 28 and 34 registered very little to no voltage (I think
these are the 1 and 2 cam sensors) and then 29 is the FP relay which
measured around 12V.
-Pulled the 372 relay which I think is the FP relay and measured voltage
across terminal 17 to ground: 12V
-Pulled Cam Position Sensor 1 and measured voltage across terminal 1 and 3
of plug, measured around 3V
-TRYING TO GET TO Cam Position Sensor 2 but cannot reach it.
What should I do next? I'd like to check the second cam sensor, but I don't know how I'm going to get down to it. It's below this reservoir seen in the pictures with HELLA on the top.
Also, I'm confused about the code of my engine. I thought it was AHA, as I saw that code on an intake duct, and I thought that's what it was according to the Bentley service manual, but the pictorials related to the fuel pump relay match up to the ATQ engine, which I thought was 2001 and on. Some one help me out PLEASE!
