I know this has been discussed before, and I have searched, but its hard to come up with responses with such short search parameters..
Anyways, I'm doing a stage 3 swap on my S4, I'm curious what leftovers can be put into the 30V A4 to make it twin turbo I realize that this would require building the A4 motor, but if its out for a turbo swap anyway... purely hypothetical at this point.
Exhaust manifolds: S4 onto A4 head ok.
Turbos: If I could source an oil cooled only turbo, is there a place on the engine/head/filter housing/etc. to feed them?
Wiring harness and ECU: S4 w/ cluster recode? Assuming you can add..
02 Sensors: S4 has 4, A4 has ?
EGT sensors: S4 has 2, A4 has ?
Oil Pan: S4 onto the A4 for oil return lines?
Intercoolers: Stock or Ebay FMIC
Turbo Inlets: stock S4
Exhaust: Stock or aftermarket S4
Anything I'm overlooking? IBS/Cit