So after a long day of basically painting all of my gray in the interior to black I decided to stop and search if people have DIY on removing the roof pieces or any way to wrap the roof with materials. I was getting ready to do my door inserts but i decided against it because i didn't want it to be too flashy.
The b5 is a lot easier to work with since you can take the door inserts off and just wrap them while they are off the door, but you cant exactly do that with the b6 since they look like they are glued to the rest of the door.
I havent tried to remove the roof yet any help with the process would be GREAT.
pics of process
stil need to do the passenger console, center console, and dash.
any links to any of this questions would be great.
1) removal of rear seats
2) removal of center console
3) wrapping roof
4) carpet removal or any kind of dye to make it black.
thanx AZ