2004.5 B6 A4 sedan
1.8T w/ 6spd
REVO Stg2 with injectors
AWE test pipe and cat-back exhaust
He got his car flashed at Waterfest earlier this summer. Coil Packs immediately died so the guys that flashed the car turned the timing advance back. Once home from WF he went and bought four new revision 'R' coil packs and things have been good since. However, the car did not feel peppy since the guys at WF turned back his timing advance.
Well, today we figured out where the car currently was and turned the timing up incrementally via SPS3 until we were comfortable (keeping in mind its super cool outside [30F] and things will change come next summer). I decided to leave boost alone and just tweak timing advance.
All logs are done in 3rd gear. We tried to get back-to-back logs while the highway was open. Reason being I wanted repeatability and also wanted to see how things were as the engine heated up.
base log:
Sunday Nov 30, 2008 9:00AM

Timing looks like dogshit. Check out actual boost. Do K03s really taper off THAT much? I'm so used to seeing BT logs where boost holds up to redline. He insured me there are no boost leaks so I'm going off his word with that one.
Timing 6, log 1
Sunday Nov 30, 2008 9:05AM

Timing 6, log 2
Sunday Nov 30, 2008 9:17AM

Timing 6, log 3
Sunday Nov 30, 2008 9:18AM

We are getting there. The car felt better.
Timing 8, log 1
Sunday Nov 30, 2008 9:24AM

Timing 8, log 2
Sunday Nov 30, 2008 9:25AM

Timing 8, log 3
Sunday Nov 30, 2008 9:26AM

Getting better. Lets see what T9 does..
Timing 9, log 1
Sunday Nov 30, 2008 9:30AM

Timing 9, log 2
Sunday Nov 30, 2008 9:31AM

Timing 9, log 3
Sunday Nov 30, 2008 9:32AM

Looking good!

We settled on Timing 8 to be safe and knowing that next summer IATs will be much higher and he'll most likely get some timing pull. He was also happy and we noticed a big difference on T8 versus the dogshit the guys at WF left him with. Now he can really enjoy the money he spent on the flash.
Can anyone confirm K03s really die that bad? I recall how my car used to feel 100% bone stock but I never logged my car nor had numbers to show for it. Guess I was a tad surprised watching his boost gauge peak at 20psi and then die off like a bunch of lemmings just jumped off a cliff.
PS, thanks Martin for letting us borrow 'your' SPS3
