I'm torn between a high quality FMIC and a liquid to air setup

Air to air would be a Garrett or Spearco core, liq. to air would probably be Bel.
I'm also stuck on what size piping to run? the discharge is only 2" diameter, most IC's I'm looking at are 3", and I won't likely step up to my Q45 throttlebody until after the bottom end work (stroke) is done this Spring.
2.5 to the IC and 3" to the throttlebody? anyone have any lnke to decent writeups on "selecting IC pipe sizes" ?
Would surely be appreciated...
I should receive a couple large boxes of schedule 10 and 16ga this next week... -I'll try to post some pics of the full V-band equal length tube header, 3" DP and straight exhaust system as it's being fitted and welded by next weekend.