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  1. #1
    Registered Member One Ring
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    Oct 17 2008
    AZ Member #
    Easton, CT

    DIY Starter Replacement

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    OK I know this has been a topic in the past and has been a frequent problem with the B6 line, but anyone with advice, manual instructions, or step-by-step pictures of their process of replacing the starter? (My mechanic told me it was def the starter but dont want to fork over the money to have him do it) If anyone could offer some input that would be sweet.


  2. #2

    Re: DIY Starter Replacement

    Quote Originally Posted by miggy8517 View Post
    OK I know this has been a topic in the past and has been a frequent problem with the B6 line, but anyone with advice, manual instructions, or step-by-step pictures of their process of replacing the starter? (My mechanic told me it was def the starter but dont want to fork over the money to have him do it) If anyone could offer some input that would be sweet.

    Miggy, did you get your car from Chris B? I know he was having starter issues. Anyways, keep me in the loop, having the same issue with my starter.
    6MT | Alcantara | 35% Tints

  3. #3
    Registered Member One Ring
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    Oct 17 2008
    AZ Member #
    Easton, CT

    Re: DIY Starter Replacement

    yea i did...who is this? i went to high school with the kid, if thats the yellow s4 u have did u go to uconn? i did n saw one around quite often. either way, im looking to see if its worth replacing the starter or riding the winter out.


  4. #4

    Re: DIY Starter Replacement

    Yup, went to UConn. I know Chris from various gtgs. Saw him on rt 25 today, his car is F-A-S-T.
    6MT | Alcantara | 35% Tints


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