Originally Posted by
I bet this is exaclty what you said when it happend "Fu*K !!!, $hit !! G$# DAMMITT
Doubt it, rather, he was in a state of sanguine bliss.
He continued to stare and gaze with emotive eyes at the luscious curves of his turbo charger whom he so intimately named
Then as he peered down further into the engine bay he felt an evocative and brazen compunction to inhale deeply. Inhale he did. Deep, robust, burning swaths of air. "Hmmmmmmmmmmm" he said, as the piercing aroma of burning clutch and rubber invaded the inner-most precincts of his lungs and his very being. Nothing was left untouched. His desire was so monolithically pervasive that without this perverse and unholy union between man and machine, he would ceast to exist altogether.
Yet, as the blistering and calousing rain of pink machinely urination
imbrued the top layers of his epidermis, he was none the wiser. NO. The path of fulfillment for all sentient beings is such. A righteous immersion in the temple of Automotive Goddom. He must welcome this cancer into his existence. Permeat every orfice, imbue every layer of organic matter, and surrender all voluntary control of the chemical receptors in the brain synaposes that control civility and succumb to savagery. This unwavering conviction sworn by man to machine is not dislike the demonically possessed.
and ONLY then may he inagurate his very first inkling of anthropological pain, and blare at the top of his lungs in a hoarse but gonad shattering
##$@!@)!!!!!!#$&)!)(*$)!>...^*!)@(%&!&............ .............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Originally Posted by
I bet this is exaclty what you said when it happend "Fu*K !!!, $hit !! G$# DAMMITT