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  1. #1
    Established Member Two Rings SixGear's Avatar
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    Brake lights coming up. Cars jolting. thoughts?

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    I've just put my HID's in, mounted the drivers side infront of the header tank. Switched them on and all 3 brake lights are on (TC, ABS and Brake).
    From searching on here, sounds like the hid ballast is the problem being too close to the abs module. im planning on relocating it tomorrow.....

    my second problem...
    when my car slows down (under 15mph) i start to get a shuddering feel in the brake pedal (with or without the brake applied) and it sounds like the abs is coming on, on the drivers front wheel only.
    when i pull off, the car will jolt foward agresivly.
    being a B5 guy and very new to the B6's, i've been looking for a fuse for the abs so i can drive without it and see if it is the abs or the caliper its self. ive pulled the esp (25amp) fuse though, but im getting the same problems.

    for the last couple of days ive been thinking its the transmission (6 speed CVT Tip) slipping.
    when pulling off, the car will not move. i can go into the accelerator and nothing will happen. if i go into the accelerator to hard/too long the car will jolt foward about 3 times before it drives normal again. every time i come to a stop i can feel shuddering in the brake pedal.
    ive been thinking that the tranny fluid is bad or too low.

    now, since i've had my hids in (tonight), i havnt had these transmission like problems. all ive been getting is the abs like shuddering when coming to a stop and shes been pulling off fine.

    im just wondering on what you all think to this?

    im going to pull the wheel off tomorrow and check the caliper and abs sensor, relocate the ballast and run a vag-com tomorrow night.

    ive had the car 2 days now.
    2002 A4 1.8T 6-speed Tip.

  2. #2
    Veteran Member Four Rings Beemer832's Avatar
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    Re: Brake lights coming up. Cars jolting. thoughts?

    i've seen this first hand. while at a stop and on a negative incline, you let off the brake and the car will roll backwards until you get the RPM's up to about 1900 RPM's and then the transmission seems to engage. When this happens the car is rolling back at a good pace and chirps the tires and then stalls.

    You need to back down to a somewhat level area to get the tranny to catch at a low enough RPM


    98 AEB 1.8t Laser Red
    EFR 6758 with VEMS standalone in the works.

  3. #3
    Established Member Two Rings SixGear's Avatar
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    Re: Brake lights coming up. Cars jolting. thoughts?

    i'll just bump myself until someone replies. somebody has answers/knowledge on these cvt's!

    X-post onto

  4. #4
    Registered Member One Ring
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    Re: Brake lights coming up. Cars jolting. thoughts?

    I had a studdering issue with my car as well. All the power would seem to cut off when I would take off from a standstill. Turned out I had a bad brake sensor.

  5. #5
    Veteran Member Four Rings dirtybrd's Avatar
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    Re: Brake lights coming up. Cars jolting. thoughts?

    Take out the HID's and see if it returns to normal.

    I'm back bitches!

    35r and REVO...what?


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