My car is an 02 A4 Avant. So about 2 months ago I installed my KW Variant 3's, with the help of Martinis write up on Everything was riding smooth for awhile, but over the last couple of weeks the driver side (i think) has been making some serious clunking noises. It only makes the noise when im starting out in first gear. Ill release the clutch and start going and i hear a "clunk, clunk, clunk" until i shift to second, and sometimes in second for a little bit in goes "clunk, clunk, clunk" (sorry thats the only way i can describe it) Also, when im slowing down almost to a stop, I hear a weird kinda squeaking sound as well. I followed the instructions to a T so i dont know what the hell the problem could be. Any suggestions/help as always is greatly appreciated. Thanks is advance.