Car issues are like this
Idol surges up to 1000 and down to almost stall 3 or 4 times before it settles.
Sometimes while pulling out of a junction car feels like there is no power then i suddenly reappears
While driving along the car jurks occasionally (like there is no power)
Brought a VAG-Com cable etc and got the following 9 errors:
VAG-COM Version: Release 409.1-US
Control Module Part Number: 8D0 907 557 S
Component and/or Version: 1,8L R4/5V MOTR HS D03
Software Coding: 04001
Work Shop Code: WSC 00000
9 Faults Found:
17972 - Throttle Actuator (J338): Under-Voltage during Basic Setting P1564 - 35-10 - - - Intermittent
16500 - Engine Coolant Temp. Sensor (G62): Implausible Signal P0116 - 35-10 - - - Intermittent
17916 - Idle Control Sys: Upper Regulation Limit Reached P1508 - 35-00 - -
17967 - Throttle Valve Control part (J338): Fault in basic settings P1559 - 35-10 - - - Intermittent
00532 - Supply Voltage B+ 07-10 - Signal too Low - Intermittent
01165 - Throttle Body Control Module (J338) 08-10 - Control Limit Surpassed - Intermittent
16487 - Mass Air Flow Sensor (G70): Signal too High P0103 - 35-10 - - - Intermittent
16514 - Oxygen (Lambda) Sensor B1 S1: Malfunction in Circuit P0130 - 35-10 - - - Intermittent
01182 - Altitude Adaptation 16-10 - Signal Outside Specifications - Intermittent
Any help on where to start would be helpful. Looking like the O2 sensor is busted? although if that was the case would it not be intermittant ?
Many thanks in advance for your help