Originally Posted by
crazy, mine turned on this morning too.
someone over at Audi world headquarters just pushed the big red button that makes eveyones coolant warning turn on!
Can I Vag-com my B6 so Audi HQ cannot communicate with my car's ECU?
Originally Posted by
Take it to the dealer. There is an Audi TSB out for leaking coolant. My car had the same problem, coolant leaking but no signs of a leak anywhere.
Turned out to be a very small leak in the flange or something; it's a known issue.
Is this the flange that holds the ECT sensor you're referring to? May be easily a DIY. Hopefully that's it. DIY because my 04 is out of warranty. I got an extended warranty but time is of essence
Oh btw, the G12 is going to be poured it full-strength, right, and not diluted at all? Thanks