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  1. #1
    Registered Member Two Rings
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    i think my battery is dead, what you think?

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    i usually park my car in the garage and i parked it outside last night. it was pretty cold here in colorado last night. i went out to start the car this morning. it didn't want to start at first but then slowly turned over. after it started, i noticed that my clock and date was reset and also my ESP light was on. from my experience, that means my battery is going out but i'm concern about the ESP light though. is the ESP light caused by the dead battery or is it something else wrong with my car. i have extended warranty and my deductible is $100 per visit. for $100 i can just buy a new battery and replace it myself without the hassle of going to the dealer. so my question is, is the ESP caused by the battery or should i bring it in to the dealer to have it check out?

  2. #2
    Veteran Member Four Rings Glassnpowder98's Avatar
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    Re: i think my battery is dead, what you think?

    Check it out, it was 3 posts below yours... It seems as though this "Alberta Clipper" is wrecking havok on Audi's.

    Also, your date and time will reset when you unhook your battery. When I changed my battery last night, the date and time reset and weirdly (I thought) the ESP light came on. I ran my key through 3 reset cycles (turn the car on, remove key, try again) and the ESP light was still on. I went to get gas and while it was pumping, I checked the fuses because I thought I might have blown a fuse (there was a little sparking when hooking up the battery). The fuses looked fine and then when I started the car after filling up, the ESP light turned off... So I don't really know what happened with the ESP light, but it's off now.
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  3. #3
    Established Member Two Rings cab7a4's Avatar
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    Re: i think my battery is dead, what you think?

    my esp light came on when my bettery died as well... after u replace the battery it will go off after you start driving.

  4. #4
    Veteran Member Four Rings QTC's Avatar
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    Re: i think my battery is dead, what you think?

    Just replace the battery yourself; any ESP/CEL light will go off after a few off/on cycles.

  5. #5
    Registered Member Two Rings
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    Re: i think my battery is dead, what you think?

    i'm picking up the battery after i get off work and will replace it myself. hopefully it is the battery and not something else.


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