To start off, I searched and checked the common problems sticky but wasn't really satisfied with the results I found. Recently, my car has had problems turning over and it has gotten a lot worse with the colder weather we have been having (25 this morning and 30 yesterday). Yesterday when I was leaving for work in the morning, it took three tries to get my car started. The first two tries I turned the ignition over for about 5 seconds each and all I got was a weak attempt to turn over the engine. Finally after about 3 seconds on my 3rd attempt, the engine turned over. The car ran for about 50 minutes on the way to work. When I went to leave work, the same thing happened. On my way home from work I stopped at the gym for about an hour and when I came back out, the car started up fine. Still thinking that my battery might be going bad, I went to Autozone and got their "top of the line" battery. After taking two hours to change that bitch of a battery (factory battery was stuck in there somehow even after loosening the bracket and the battery I bought was a little too wide and I ended up stripping the bracket screw and now my battery is held in by a bungie cord

) I figured my problem would be solved.
Anyways, this morning when I tried to start the car, the same weak start attempt happened... It finally turned over after the third try. The common problems thread said to change gas, which I put in Shell V-Power last night. It also, said that it could be a bad coilpack. I don't think this is the case because aren't there usually other symptoms like misfires and the engine running real rough when a coilpack is going bad? Any help or suggestions are welcome... I really don't want to bring my car into the dealership because they should be expecting a call from Audi corporate any day about my drivetrain warranty complaints. Thanks in advance!