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  1. #1
    Veteran Member Four Rings widgget's Avatar
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    Question wastegate/N75/boost question.

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    This was a question i had asked in a older post but never figure it out.

    the in-side of the N75 comes from the output of the turbo (pressurized at whatever the system is pressurized at), one output to the top of the wastegate actuator, and the other output to the TIP..... now applying pressure to the wastegate actuator opens the wastegate once there is enough pressure to over come the spring..... I must be missing something because logically this would mean that the wastegate is opening once 14psi is builtup to overcome the spring in the actuaitor (the GTRS actuaitor is raited for 14psi) at which point no more boost is generated since the exhaust is not forced though the turbin......

    that would mean that the n75 is ether routing pressure to the wastegate actuator and opening the wastegate causing a loss of pressure since the exhaust is bypassing the turbine and not creating boost, OR the pressure is just being dumpped into the TIP and lowering the pressure in the system no diffrent then a boost leak. I just don't understand how it would be possible to get boost using this configuration.

  2. #2
    Veteran Member Four Rings F16HTON's Avatar
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    Re: wastegate/N75/boost question.

    N75 send a boost signal (pressure) to the WG actuator and opens it. Exhaust gasses are bypassed and the turbine slows down.

    The only thing that goes into the TIP is the vented air from the solenoid, it will not make any type of pressure increase because it is very nominal.

    When the car is under the specified boost via the N75, the boost pressure signal is vented into the TIP, when the car reaches the specified boost, the signal is then sent to the wastegate actuator.

    This happens many-many times (off-on-off-on....) to keep the specified pressure in check.

  3. #3
    Veteran Member Four Rings widgget's Avatar
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    Re: wastegate/N75/boost question.

    so being that i am requesting 23xxmbar and only hitting 17xxmbar the N75 should be closed and not opening at all since it never hits requested.

    i need to find a cheap MBC on ebay so i can pull the N75 out and see if it's what the issue is.

  4. #4
    Veteran Member Four Rings absolutegtr's Avatar
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    Re: wastegate/N75/boost question.

    I bought a $20 MBC off of ebay, works great on my car and worked great on my old talon for many years


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