Driving downtown tonight, i'm on hornby st getting ready to turn into the right lane to turn right onto W Hastings street to head home and out of no where this fuckn cop comes flyin up on my ass so close that i couldn't see his lights. As i see him commin at me in the rear view mirror i'm thinking fuckin great gonna get pulled over.
What do you know, a min later just before the turn BAM lights go on and over i go.
Officer approaches my car like im a drug dealer with a gun. He comes and just slightly sticks his head just passed my shoulder.
Cop:Is this your car?
Me:Yes it is!
Cop:Really? license and Registration Please
Me: Here we go again...here
Cop: State your full name and address please.
Me: um.. ok Jamie Oswald.....bla bla bla bla
Cop: Ok so this is your car?
Me: Yes it is
Cop: Can you roll down your back windows for me please, as he looks in and sees my camara and tripod.
Me: Its a tripod...
Cop: Do you know why i pulled you over?
Me: Well i wasn't speeding or doing anything dumb so my guess is my License plate.
Cop: Correct, why don't you have it displayed?
Me: uh im still waiting for the plate holder from audi in burnaby. There seriously screwed in the head. I have ordered things from them and they dont call back for a longgggg time.
Cop: Well i dont think there that bad.
Me: Yeah they are, but i had a big audi meet yesterday and was told by a member to get stuff from richmond audi.
Cop2: Yeah they are good i have an audi myself
Cop: Well i see theres holes here for mounting the plate.
me: Well not to be rude but im not mounting this metal thing on the front to wreck my paint. Its an audi!
cop: Ok well i will let you off with a warning so make sure you have that on there next time.
Me: Will do c ya.
So dumb, i swear he thought i stole it or like delt drugs big time lol.