OK i like to live in the suburbs. Right now im about 30 minutes outside of the city which is great for me. Theres always tons to do,Im close to pretty much everything which includes malls, many many different places to eat, movies, bowling, golf, just to name a few things. City life is great out here but it isnt for me thats why i opted to live OUTside of the city, plus its less expensive. My neighborhood is quiet, neighbors are friendly, and we have a good mix of cultures most of whom are very friendly. House wise, i'd love a garage where i can work on my own car, currently my garage is just big enough for one car which barley leaves me room for working, backyard would be great as we currently use ours for small get togethers, bbq's, ect. Again i just want to live in a good area with plenty around it and lots to do.
i just dont want to get there and live in the middle of nowhere with a small town barely with anything going on. If you have a link to those condo's mentioned above, that would be awesome, like i said in previous posts, a house would be great but not my only option.