Well, Got a bonus from work, plus worked many overtime hours and got a large check. Decided to blow it on a system. :)
I got 2 12" Kicker CVX's in a custom built dual ported box wired to 1 ohm. Got a 2000.1 Memphis amp, dynamatted the whole trunk, and got a 5 farad capacitor.
Let me tell you now it hits HARD!
It hurts. lol
But the CVX's are awesome. They are the same speaker as the L7, just the round version. I've heard the have better SQ than the L7. Each one is 750 RMS. I'm powering 1000 to each one.
I'll mae a video and take pictures later.
I got all this for 875 even.
Highly recommend this.
Hit 149.9 db on the meter placed at dash, and the subs arent even broken in yet!!!
Crazy stuff.