Was cruising at 60Km/h today on the road at 8:00PM. I just passed an intersection, saw this cop following me and 2 secs later I heard the siren and see those bright light. I pulled over, two cops came up to me...here is the conversation.
Cop:Hello sir. Why your license plate is not in the CENTRAL? (I am pretty sure he said that, and btw, I am running skidplate)
Me:Oh, hello officer, does it have to be in the centre?
Cop:"Silent for 5 secs" May I have your insurance paper and your dirver's license?
Me:Sure no problem (handed him the insurance paper and driver's license)
Another cop walk around my car and check if there is anything illegal using a LED flashlight
After 5 mins first cop came bak and handed me a ticket
Me:Hello officer. what's the ticket for.
Cop:Hello sir, your car does not have reflectors on so I give u a ticket. Also, I did not give you another ticket that's $300. You should not turn on your front fog light if it's not even foggy. Also, if you pay the ticket early within 30 days you have a 25$ discount.
I didn't know what to say...this is one of the most ridiculous cops i've ever seen. why can't they just focus more on speeding, and other criminal cases. I think we are not paying them to piss us off...