(i'd like to preface this post by saying that I DID search on both AW and AZ, but I've still got a question)
Been drivin the car a few weeks now, and it generally feels pretty good. But one thing I've been keeping my eye on is the coolant temp gauge. After warming up the car and driving around for a few mins, the coolant temperature dips to around the 2nd or 3rd needle on the in-dash temp gauge. If I let the car sit and idle for a bit, the temperature rises back up to normal operating temps. But as soon as I start cruising again, it'll eventually dip.
Also, it is starting to get pretty cold around here, especially at nights, so I'm wondering if that could be part of the problem here. But I think the cause of this issue might be that I used too much coolant and not enough distilled water in my mixture (i can remember the exact proportions). I do not believe my coolant temp sensor is the issue, since the low in-dash gauge readings are accurate to the vag-com readings.
So, my question is, should I do a coolant flush again? Is this something I should seriously worry about if I didn't? And should I go with a 50/50 mix?
Sorry for the dumb question