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  1. #1
    Veteran Member Three Rings GetAwayFromMe's Avatar
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    Torn engine what to clean with.

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    Im doing my stage 3, headgaskets and all kinds of things through the winter. I got my engine all apart and would like to clean it all up. I don't know much about chemicals and my question to you guys is. Is it safe to use brake cleaner to clean the oil pump, ect? I'm going to take the heads to the machine shop most likley so im not worried about them since they clean them up.

    What do you guys recomend to use as a cleaner?

  2. #2
    Registered User Four Rings
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    Re: Torn engine what to clean with.

    To clean any of the engine internals I recommend diesel.Brake cleaner is toxic (not like diesel isnt).
    My advice is to take it to a local sonic cleaner.

  3. #3
    Veteran Member Three Rings dak360rt's Avatar
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    Re: Torn engine what to clean with.

    Simple Green is supposed to be all natural, and that stuff can clean.
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  4. #4
    Veteran Member Three Rings
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    Re: Torn engine what to clean with.

    I've had good results with "foamy engine brite"
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  5. #5
    Veteran Member Three Rings GetAwayFromMe's Avatar
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    Re: Torn engine what to clean with.

    If someone didnt understand what i was asking is what to clean the internals with? Crank oil pump and all the other litle things.

    I have some ENGINE BRITE in the shop but havent tried it yet. Simple green sounds like something that would work, I wil try both of them out and see what happenes. I don't want to use something that can be harmful to the motor.
    Last edited by GetAwayFromMe; 11-13-2008 at 06:04 PM.

  6. #6
    Veteran Member Four Rings Militant-Grunt's Avatar
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    Re: Torn engine what to clean with.

    Brake parts cleaner, just do it in a well ventilated area.
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  7. #7
    Veteran Member Four Rings MacDaddy's Avatar
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    Re: Torn engine what to clean with.

    to answer your question, yes its safe to use brake clean to clean the oil pump, just make sure you lube it up (pour some oil into it) before re-installing so it doesn't get a "dry-start" however, brake clean is very expensive and not very effective at degreasing. a drum of brake or carb clean is effective, but extremely toxic and will stink up a shop or your house very quickly, so for that reason i would recommend solvent, a 20L drum is cheap, its fairly low odor, and next to harmless with a air tight lid on it. (which it will come with anyway)

    for water based degreasers, I use super-clean, comes in a purple bottle, works like the cats ass, if you use it on internal parts, just dry the stuff off after with your air gun and paper towels. if your still worried about rust, spray some WD-40 on it after. to be safe.
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  8. #8
    Veteran Member Four Rings blmlozz's Avatar
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    Re: Torn engine what to clean with.

    I'd go with diesel as well. It's cheap and removes virtualy everything in a short amount of time and with very little effort. It's the best stuff to use when you don't have access to acidic solvent.

  9. #9
    Veteran Member Three Rings GetAwayFromMe's Avatar
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    Re: Torn engine what to clean with.

    Thanks guys i also have some diesel in the shop so i can try that as well.

  10. #10
    Veteran Member Four Rings MacDaddy's Avatar
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    Re: Torn engine what to clean with.

    as they say in Australia "put some doisel in that petrol engine! crikey!"
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  11. #11
    Veteran Member Four Rings AudiSportB5S4's Avatar
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    Re: Torn engine what to clean with.

    Quote Originally Posted by GetAwayFromMe View Post
    If someone didnt understand what i was asking is what to clean the internals with? Crank oil pump and all the other litle things.

    I have some ENGINE BRITE in the shop but havent tried it yet. Simple green sounds like something that would work, I wil try both of them out and see what happenes. I don't want to use something that can be harmful to the motor.
    i used simple green on little things like to clean my engine covers, and you have to be careful, because its so strong some of it got onto the serpentine belt and the next day after a drive i had shavings of belt all under my hood... the dam simple green ate away at the belt! so be careful with anything rubber or plastic
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