So today I'm in the car, it's cold out....28 according to the cluster and the car is fully up to temp, been driving for about 30 minutes or so. Go to get on the highway and a rig didn't want to move over to let me merge so I smash the loud pedal and drop to third and move to about 80 quickly to get some distance.
In that time the car pulled like complete shit. I mean seriously bad. It felt like misfires, although it wasn't. I don't know how to explain it. Throttle felt blippy and a tons of small very minuet misses or cutouts. It only does this when it is cold out. It did it the other day as well at around the same temp. But once the temp got up a little more it wasn't there.....
How much should the colder thicker air affect the car considering the stg3 and all. And does the car actually need to adjust to the different pressures? I really don't think there is anything wrong with the car, just noticed it felt a little different in the colder temps below 34 plus or minus a few there.