Anything to be concerned of?
VCDS Version: Release 805.1
Data version: 20081017
Chassis Type: 8E - Audi A4 B6/B7
Scan: 01 02 03 08 09 0F 11 15 16 17 18 36 37 45 46 55 56 57 65 67
69 75 76 77
VIN: Mileage: 64820km/40277miles
Address 01: Engine Labels: Redir Fail!
Part No SW: 8E0 910 560 A HW: 8E0 907 560
Component: 4.2L V8/5V G 0020
Coding: 0007711
Shop #: WSC 09401 444 58697
1 Fault Found:
18010 - Power Supply Terminal 30: Voltage too Low
P1602 - 002 - Lower Limit Exceeded - Intermittent
Readiness: 0000 0000
Address 03: ABS Brakes Labels: 8E0-614-517.lbl
Part No: 8E0 614 517 Q
Component: ABS/ESP allrad 3033
Coding: 04595
Shop #: WSC 06435
No fault code found.
Address 08: Auto HVAC Labels: 8E0-820-043.lbl
Part No: 8E0 820 043 AD
Component: A4 Klimaautomat 1219
Coding: 00000
Shop #: WSC 63351
No fault code found.
Address 09: Cent. Elect. Labels: 8E0-907-279-8E2.lbl
Part No: 8E0 907 279 F
Component: int. Lastmodul RDW 0517
Coding: 01011
Shop #: WSC 63351
No fault code found.
Address 0F: Digital Radio Labels: 8E0-035-593-XM.lbl
Part No SW: 8E0 035 593 A HW:
Component: SDAR XM
Revision: Serial number: AUZ4Z7C3003748
Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
1 Fault Found:
02635 - Tuner Not Enabled/Activated
000 - -
Address 15: Airbags Labels: 8E0-959-655-84.lbl
Part No: 8E0 959 655 C
Component: Airbag 8.4EP 3001
Coding: 0010707
Shop #: WSC 63351 000 00000
No fault code found.
Address 16: Steering wheel Labels: 8E0-953-549.lbl
Part No: 8E0 953 549 N
Component: Lenksáulenmodul 0611
Coding: 01041
Shop #: WSC 63351
No fault code found.
Address 17: Instruments Labels: 8E0-920-9xx-8E2.lbl
Part No: 8E0 920 981 GX
Component: KOMBI+WEGFAHRS. RB8 D42
Coding: 03201
Shop #: WSC 06532
WAUPL58E94A068135 AUZ6Z0C0196184
1 Fault Found:
01304 - Radio
49-10 - No Communications - Intermittent
Address 36: Seat Mem. Drvr Labels: 8E0-959-760.lbl
Part No: 8E0 959 760
Component: Sitzmemory R2 F 0305
Coding: 00002
Shop #: WSC 06435
No fault code found.
Address 37: Navigation Labels: Redir Fail!
Part No: 4B0 919 887 E
Component: BNS 4.2 H05 BNO 0050
No fault code found.
Address 46: Central Conv. Labels: 8E0-959-433-MAX.lbl
Part No: 8E0 959 433 BB
Component: Komfortgerát T7B 1411
Coding: 11848
Shop #: WSC 06532
Part No: 8E1959801
Component: Tõrsteuer.FS BRM 0003
Part No: 8E1959802E
Component: Tõrsteuer.BF BRM 0003
Part No: 8E0959801A
Component: Tõrsteuer.HL BRM 0003
Part No: 8E0959802A
Component: Tõrsteuer.HR BRM 0003
1 Fault Found:
01572 - Alarm triggered by Door Contact Switch; Passenger Side
35-00 - -
Address 55: Xenon Range Labels: 4Z7-907-357.lbl
Part No: 4Z7 907 357
Component: dynamische LWR D09
Coding: 00060
Shop #: WSC 63351
No fault code found.
Address 56: Radio Labels: 8E0-035-192-RNSE.lbl
Part No SW: 8E0 035 192 Q HW: 8E0 035 192 Q
Component: RNS-E US H73 0260
Revision: 02S Serial number: AUZBZ7F1125880
Coding: 0301635
Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
3 Faults Found:
00446 - Function Limitation due to Under-Voltage
002 - Lower Limit Exceeded - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00100010
Fault Priority: 7
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 137
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2003.08.01
Time: 00:00:30
Freeze Frame:
Voltage: 11.80 V
Mileage: 655350 km
Count: 65535
Clock: 255:255
00858 - Connection; Radio ZF Output to Antenna Amplifier
011 - Open Circuit - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00101011
Fault Priority: 5
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 137
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2008.08.24
Time: 19:16:00
Freeze Frame:
Mileage: 655350 km
Count: 911
Clock: 16:25
00466 - Control Module for Steering Column Electronics (J527)
008 - Implausible Signal
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 01101000
Fault Priority: 5
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 44
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2008.08.24
Time: 19:16:35
Address 77: Telephone Labels: 8P0-862-335.lbl
Part No SW: 8P0 862 335 R HW: 8P0 862 335 R
Component: FSE_255x BT H26 0350
Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 00000005050015
Coding: 0010777
Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
No fault code found.
End ---------------------------------------------------------------------